on_audio_query 1.2.0 copy "on_audio_query: ^1.2.0" to clipboard
on_audio_query: ^1.2.0 copied to clipboard


Flutter Plugin used to query audios/songs infos [title, artist, album, etc..] from device storage.

on_audio_query #

Pub.dev Platform Flutter Kotlin

on_audio_query is a Flutter Plugin used to query audios/songs 🎶 infos [title, artist, album, etc..] from device storage.

Help: #

Any problem? Issues
Any suggestion? Pull request

Extensions: #

Translations: #

NOTE: Feel free to help with readme translations

Topics: #

Gif Examples: #

Songs Albums Playlists Artists

How to Install: #

Add the following code to your pubspec.yaml:

  on_audio_query: ^1.2.0

Request Permission:

If you want to use the built-in request permission, will need add the following code to your AndroidManifest.xml

<manifest> ...

  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
  <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>


Some Features: #

  • Optional and Built-in storage READ and WRITE permission request
  • Get all audios and audios classified with is_music.
  • Get all albums and album-specific audios.
  • Get all artists and artist-specific audios.
  • Get all playlists and playlists-specific audios.
  • Get all genres and genres-specific audios.
  • Get all folders and specific audios.
  • Get all query methods with specific keys [Search].
  • Create/Delete/Rename playlists.
  • Add/Remove/Move specific audios to playlists.
  • Specific sort types for all query methods.


  • Add better performance for all plugin.
  • Create methods for IOS.
  • Option to remove songs.
  • Fix bugs.

How to use: #

OnAudioQuery() // The main method to start using the plugin.

All types of methods on this plugin:

Methods Parameters Return
querySongs (SortType, OrderType, UriType, RequestPermission) List<SongModel>
queryAudio (SortType, OrderType, UriType, RequestPermission). List<SongModel>
queryAlbums (SortType, OrderType, UriType, RequestPermission) List<AlbumModel>
queryArtists (SortType, OrderType, UriType, RequestPermission) List<ArtistModel>
queryPlaylists (SortType, OrderType, UriType, RequestPermission) List<PlaylistModel>
queryGenres (SortType, OrderType, UriType, RequestPermission) List<GenreModel>
queryAudiosFrom (Type, Where, RequestPermission) List<SongModel>
queryAudiosOnly (Type, Where, AudiosOnlyType, RequestPermission) List<SongModel>
querySongsBy (SongsByType, Values, UriType, RequestPermission) List<SongModel>
queryWithFilters (ArgsVal, WithFiltersType, Args, RequestPermission) List<dynamic>
queryArtworks (Id, Type, Format, Size, RequestPermission) Uint8List?
queryFromFolder (Path, SortType, OrderType, UriType, RequestPermission). List<SongModel>
queryAllPath List<String>
createPlaylist (PlaylistName, RequestPermission) bool
removePlaylist (PlaylistId, RequestPermission) bool
addToPlaylist [NT-BG](PlaylistId, AudioId, RequestPermission) bool
removeFromPlaylist [NT](PlaylistId, AudioId, RequestPermission) bool
renamePlaylist (PlaylistId, NewName, RequestPermission) bool
moveItemTo [NT](PlaylistId, From, To, RequestPermission) bool
permissionsRequest (retryRequest) bool
permissionsStatus bool
queryDeviceInfo DeviceModel

Note: Some query methods require the SortType and RequestPermisson, by default, will be set DEFAULT and false See all defaults sorttypes in Examples

[NT] -> Need Tests
[BG] -> Bug on Android 10/Q

Examples: #


  someName() async {
    //DEFAULT: SongSortType.TITLE, OrderType.ASC_OR_SMALLER, UriType.EXTERNAL and false
    var something = await OnAudioQuery().querySongs();


  someName() async {
    //DEFAULT: AlbumSortType.ALBUM, OrderType.ASC_OR_SMALLER and false
    var something = await OnAudioQuery().queryAlbums();


  someName() async {
    //DEFAULT: ArtistSortType.ARTIST, OrderType.ASC_OR_SMALLER and false
    var something = await OnAudioQuery().queryArtists();


  someName() async {
    //DEFAULT: PlaylistSortType.NAME, OrderType.ASC_OR_SMALLER and false
    var something = await OnAudioQuery().queryPlaylists();


  someName() async {
    //DEFAULT: GenreSortType.NAME, OrderType.ASC_OR_SMALLER and false
    var something = await OnAudioQuery().queryGenres();


Note: Only works in Android >= Q/10

  someName() async {
    //DEFAULT: ArtworkFormat.JPEG, 200 and false
    var something = await OnAudioQuery().queryArtworks(SongId, ArtworkType.AUDIO, ...)

Or you can use a basic and custom Widget. See example QueryArtworkWidget


⚠ Note: Some Types only exist in Android >= Q/10, if you try call them Android below Q/10 will return all types.
⚠ See more in Documentation

  someName() async {
    //DEFAULT: SongSortType.TITLE, OrderType.ASC_OR_SMALLER and false
    var something = await OnAudioQuery().queryAudiosOnly(AudiosOnlyType.IS_AUDIOBOOK);

  someOtherName() async {
    //DEFAULT: SongSortType.TITLE, OrderType.ASC_OR_SMALLER and false
    var something = await OnAudioQuery().queryAudiosOnly(AudiosOnlyType.IS_PODCAST);


⚠ Note: Args are defined with [dynamic] but will only work if you use correct Types.
⚠ See more in Documentation -> Enums

  someName() async {
    //DEFAULT: Args.TITLE and false
    //ArgsTypes: AudiosArgs, AlbumsArgs, PlaylistsArgs, ArtistsArgs, GenresArgs
    var something = await OnAudioQuery().queryWithFilters("Sam Smith", WithFiltersType.ARTISTS);


Now [QueryArtworkWidget] support all Android versions.

  Widget someOtherName() async {
    DeviceModel deviceInfo = await OnAudioQuery().queryDeviceInfo();
    return QueryArtworkWidget(
      id: SongId, 
      type: ArtworkType.AUDIO,
      artwork: songList[index].artwork,
      deviceSDK: device.sdk,

See more in QueryArtworkWidget


pub points


verified publisherlucasjosino.com

Flutter Plugin used to query audios/songs infos [title, artist, album, etc..] from device storage.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE)




Packages that depend on on_audio_query