omniware_payment_gateway_totalxsoftware 1.0.6 copy "omniware_payment_gateway_totalxsoftware: ^1.0.6" to clipboard
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Omniware Payment Gateway Plugin for Flutter under TotalxSoftware

Omniware Payment Gateway Totalxsoftware - Flutter Plugin #

Launch Totalx

Developed by Totalx Software

About #

The Omniware Payment Gateway Totalxsoftware Flutter plugin provides seamless integration with the Omniware payment gateway, enabling secure and efficient payment processing for Flutter applications.


Features #

  • Simple Integration: Easily integrate Omniware payment gateway into your Flutter apps.
  • Customizable: Supports various payment modes, currencies, and user profiles.
  • Save in Firebase: Optionally save payment data in Firebase for easy tracking.
  • Secure Payments: Ensures encryption and secure payment processing.

Installation #

  1. Add the dependency to your pubspec.yaml file:
  omniware_payment_gateway_totalxsoftware: ^1.0.0
  1. Run flutter pub get to install the package.

  2. Import the plugin in your Dart file:

import 'package:omniware_payment_gateway_totalxsoftware/omniware_payment_gateway_totalxsoftware.dart';

Platform-Specific Setup #

Android Integration #

  1. Update AndroidManifest.xml: Add the namespace for tools and update the app label:
<manifest xmlns:android=""
        ... >

// add
<!-- ++  xmlns:tools="
++  android:label="@string/totalxsoftwareapp" -->

  1. Add Colors in res/values/colors.xml:
    <color name="colorPrimary">#FF6200EE</color>
    <color name="colorPrimaryDark">#FF3700B3</color>
    <color name="colorAccent">#FF03DAC5</color>

  1. Add Strings in res/values/strings.xml:
    <string name="app_name">Kurikkal Business Park</string>
    <string name="totalxsoftwareapp">Kurikkal Business Park</string>

  1. Add Styles in res/values/styles.xml:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <style name="LaunchTheme" parent="@android:style/Theme.Light.NoTitleBar">
        <item name="android:windowBackground">@drawable/launch_background</item>

    <style name="NormalTheme" parent="@android:style/Theme.Light.NoTitleBar">
        <item name="android:windowBackground">?android:colorBackground</item>

    <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
        <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
        <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
        <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>

  // add
  <!-- ++  <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">
  ++      <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
  ++      <item name="colorPrimaryDark">@color/colorPrimaryDark</item>
  ++      <item name="colorAccent">@color/colorAccent</item>
  ++  </style> -->

  1. Update settings.gradle: Add your plugin:
include ":app"
include ":payment_gateway_plugin"
  1. Update app/build.gradle: Ensure necessary dependencies are included:
dependencies {
    implementation 'androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.6.0'
    // Other dependencies

iOS Integration #

  1. Update Info.plist: Add supported UPI and payment apps:

List of Request Parameters #

Parameter Name Description Required Datatype
api_key Unique 40-digit merchant key assigned to your business/login account. Each login account will have its own api_key. Mandatory String (Max: 40)
order_id Merchant reference number. Must be unique for every transaction. Duplicate order_ids for the same merchant are not allowed. Mandatory String (Max: 30)
mode Payment mode (TEST or LIVE). Optional String (Max: 4)
amount Payment amount. Mandatory Max 15 digits before decimal + Max 2
currency 3-digit currency code, e.g., INR. Mandatory String (Max: 3)
description Brief description of the product or service being charged. Mandatory String (Max: 200)
name Customer's name. Mandatory String (Max: 200)
email Customer's email address. Mandatory String (Max: 200)
phone Customer's phone number. Mandatory String (Max: 30)
address_line_1 Customer's address line 1. Optional String (Max: 255)
address_line_2 Customer's address line 2. Optional String (Max: 255)
city Customer's city. Mandatory String (Max: 50)
state Customer's state. Optional String (Max: 50)
country Customer's country. Mandatory String (Max: 10)
zip_code Customer's ZIP code. Mandatory Integer (Min: 0, Max: 1000)
return_url URL for success - POST request will be made to this URL after a successful transaction. Mandatory String (Max: 200)

For further details on the Omniware payment gateway integration, refer to the official Omniware Integration Guide.

Example #

Hereโ€™s a sample implementation in Flutter:
  saveInFirebase: true,
  appName: 'totalxsoftwareapp',
  platform: Platform.isAndroid ? 'android' : 'ios',
  paymentMode: PaymentMode.LIVE, // LIVE or TEXT
  amount: 100, 
  apiKey: 'YOUR_API_KEY', // Replace with your actual API key
  merchantId: 'YOUR_MERCHANT_ID', // Replace with your actual Merchant ID
  salt: 'YOUR_SALT', // Replace with your actual Salt value
      'Brief description of product or service being charged for', // Replace with your product description
  currency: Currency.INR, // Change currency as required
  returnUrl: '', // Replace with your return URL
  userProfile: OmniwareUserProfile(
    uid: 'user_unique_id', // Replace with the user's unique ID
    name: 'Customer Name', // Replace with the customer's name
    email: '', // Replace with the customer's email
    phoneNumber: '1234567890', // Replace with the customer's phone number
    city: 'City Name', // Replace with the customer's city
    state: 'State Name', // Replace with the customer's state
    country: 'Country Code', // Replace with the country code (e.g., IND)
    zipcode: '123456', // Replace with the customer's zip code
    // addressline_1: 'Address Line 1', // Uncomment and replace as needed
    // addressline_2: 'Address Line 2', // Uncomment and replace as needed
  success: (response, orderId) {
    log('Payment Success: $response');
    log('Order ID: $orderId');
  failure: (response, orderId) {
    log('Payment Failure: $response');
    log('Order ID: $orderId');
  error: (response) {
    log('Payment Error: $response');

Explore more about TotalX at - Your trusted software development company! #

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Omniware Payment Gateway Plugin for Flutter under TotalxSoftware

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cloud_firestore, crypto, flutter, payment_gateway_plugin


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