omicall_flutter_plugin 3.0.24 copy "omicall_flutter_plugin: ^3.0.24" to clipboard
omicall_flutter_plugin: ^3.0.24 copied to clipboard

OmiKit Flutter is wrapper SDK for OmiCall for Application easy integrate features of Omicall Like Call App2App/App2Phone, Video Call.

Changelog #

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

3.0.24 #

  • Increase android core
  • Update params off function initCallWithUserPassword, initCallWithApiKey

3.0.23 #

  • Increase android core

3.0.22 #

  • Increase android core

3.0.21 #

  • Fix Status accept call

3.0.20 #

  • Fix Status call android

3.0.19 #

  • Fix Click Notification Call

3.0.18 #

  • Fix Status call android

3.0.17 #

  • Fix Status call android

3.0.16 #

  • Fix Status call android

3.0.15 #

  • Increase ios core

  • Increase android core

  • Fix open app from Notification

  • Increase ios core

  • Increase android core

3.0.13 #

  • Increase android core

3.0.12 #

  • Fix status call in android
  • Increase android core
  • Update Readme

3.0.11 #

  • Fix status call in android

3.0.10 #

  • Increase android core
  • Fix status call

3.0.9 #

  • Increase android core
  • Remove request permission when innit user in ios

3.0.8 #

  • Increase android core

3.0.7 #

  • Increase android core

3.0.6 #

  • Optimal make call in ios

3.0.5 #

  • Fix issues call 503 in ios

3.0.4 #

  • Format data android/ios

3.0.3 #

  • Add information when end call in ios

3.0.2 #

  • Increase ios core
  • Add more field for android/ios

3.0.1 #

  • Add more info call when end call in ios

3.0.0 #

  • Increase android core
  • Hot fix flow android / ios

2.9.9 #

  • Increase ios core
  • Add call info when start call, callStateChanged

2.9.8 #

  • Increase ios core

2.9.7 #

  • Increase android core
  • Update sample

2.9.6 #

  • Increase core
  • Allow to custom call description
  • Allow to custom callkit icon
  • Update sample

2.9.5 #

  • Increase 1.5.63 version for iOS core

2.9.4 #

  • Increase iOS core

2.9.3 #

  • Increase Android core

2.9.2 #

  • Increase iOS core

2.9.1 #

  • Support kotlin 1.6.10

2.9.0 #

  • Increase android/iOS core
  • Support to listen audio change, get current audio
  • Optimize call function

2.8.3+2 #

  • Increase android core
  • Fix endTime for android
  • Update sample

2.8.3+1 #

  • Increase android core
  • Fix sendDTMF code for android
  • Update sample

2.8.3 #

  • Increase android core
  • Update sample

2.8.2 #

  • Increase ios core
  • Improve getCurrentUser function
  • Remove logs
  • Update sample

2.8.1 #

  • Increase android core
  • Update document

2.8.0 #

    • We only use stream for callStateChange event, we replace stream to callback for another events
    • Support click callLog on iOS (setCallLogListener)
    • Increase ios/android core
    • We add more haveAnotherCall on startCall
    • Update sample

2.7.3 #

  • Increase ios/android core
  • We return error code on startCall
  • Update sample and readme

2.7.2 #

  • Increase ios/android core
  • Improve startCall performance

2.7.1 #

  • Increase ios core
  • Improve startCall function
  • Update readme

2.7.0 #

    • Increase android/ios core
    • Support Swift document
    • Support to return outgoing, ringing, connecting, calling status
    • Fix null point on release mode Android
    • Improve performance
    • Update sample

2.6.6 #

  • Increase android/ios core
  • Support to get call quality
  • Update sample

2.6.5 #

  • Increase android core
  • Kill all services when user logout
  • Support to change channel id in the call notification
  • Update sample

2.6.4 #

  • Increase android core
  • Fix null phone number in missing call
  • Support to change network on Android

2.6.3 #

  • Increase android core
  • Improve background and kill app state on Android

2.6.2 #

  • Increase android/ios core
  • Fix return true when login have some error on iOS.
  • Support custom title on notification and show user avatar.
  • Update sample

2.6.1 #

  • Increase android core
  • Improve set camera for Android
  • Support dart 3.0.0
  • Update sample

2.6.0 #

  • Increase android/iOS core
  • Support to receive switchboard
  • Update sample

2.5.4 #

  • Increase android core
  • Change requests: allow to set images for the incoming notification.

2.5.3 #

  • Increase android core
  • Fix bug: Local video is not showing.

2.5.2 #

  • Increase android/ ios core
  • Support to change notification icon on Android
  • Update sample

2.5.1 #

  • Increase android core
  • Fix incoming notification activity show empty screen, correct sip number in established call.

2.5.0 #

    • We return call information after the call ending.
    • Add getCurrentUser, getGuestUser and getUserInfo to get user information.
    • Update sample.

2.4.2 #

  • Check microphone when user startCall
  • Update sample and document

2.4.1 #

  • Return transactionId in establisedCall listener
  • Update sample and document

2.4.0 #

    • We replace FMService to FirebaseMessageReceiver
    • Increase iOS/Android core
    • Update video widget for iOS
    • Update sample

2.3.2 #

  • Fix keep alive state speaker and mute

2.3.0 #

    • We replace camera event to video event.
    • Add registerVideoEvent and removeVideoEvent to register video event.
    • Support the missed call
    • We add more input in configPushNotification
    • Increase Android/iOS core version
    • Update sample

2.2.4 #

  • Increase Android/iOS core version
  • Add logout function
  • Remove appId and deviceId in updateToken
  • Update sample

2.2.3 #

  • Increase Android core version
  • Add initial call for iOS
  • Update sample

2.2.2 #

  • Increase Android core version
  • Update sample

2.2.1 #

    • We support call with uuid Omiclient.instance.startCallWithUUID
    • Increase Android core version (fix crash on some devices)
    • Update sample

2.1.0 #

    • We support config notification Omiclient.instance.configPushNotification, But it doesn't support on iOS
    • Increase Android core version
    • Update sample

2.0.2 #

  • Fix crash on release mode: login and update notification for Android
  • Increase core version
  • Add startServices function

2.0.1 #

  • Support API for SDK
  • Increase core version
  • Update documents

2.0.0 #

  • Support App - to - App
  • Support Video Call
  • Improve performance and logic

1.0.12 #

  • Support iOS 11,12
  • Support minSDK from 21.

1.0.11 #

  • Add more event list
  • Refactor code

1.0.10 #

  • Improve for iOS
pub points


unverified uploader

OmiKit Flutter is wrapper SDK for OmiCall for Application easy integrate features of Omicall Like Call App2App/App2Phone, Video Call.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


flutter, permission_handler, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on omicall_flutter_plugin