old_school 0.2.0 old_school: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard
Add old-school terminals to your html documents.
Example #
Hello, world #
import "package:web/web.dart" as web;
import 'package:old_school/old_school.dart';
main() async {
final terminal = Terminal(
rows: 25,
columns: 40,
container: web.document.getElementById("hello")! as web.HTMLElement,
terminal.output("Hello, world!");
final response = await terminal.input(
prompt: "What is your name? ",
length: 20,
terminal.output("Hello, $response!");
Smile #
import "package:web/web.dart" as web;
import 'package:old_school/old_school.dart';
main() async {
final terminal = Terminal(
rows: 20,
columns: 20,
container: web.document.getElementById("smile")! as web.HTMLElement,
rowGap: 0,
smile = [
// In binary:
0x07E0, // .....******.....
0x1818, // ...**......**...
0x2004, // ..*..........*..
0x4002, // .*............*.
0x4002, // .*............*.
0x8811, // *...*......*...*
0x8811, // *...*......*...*
0x8001, // *..............*
0x8001, // *..............*
0x8FF1, // *...********...*
0x8FF1, // *...********...*
0x47E2, // .*...******...*.
0x43C2, // .*....****....*.
0x2004, // ..*..........*..
0x1818, // ...**......**...
0x07E0, // .....******.....
for (var i = 0; i < 100; i += 2) {
final color = ["pink", "skyblue", "yellow"][i % 3],
pixelRow = (i ~/ 10) * 16,
pixelColumn = (i % 10 + (i % 4) ~/ 2) * 16;
position: (pixelRow, pixelColumn),
data: smile,
color: color,
Demos #
To see Old School in action, take a look at these demos.