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OData Query Builder is a simple Dart package for building OData query parameter for your REST API.

OData Query Builder #

pub package

OData Query Builder is a Dart package designed for building OData query strings that you can append to your REST API endpoints. It provides a clean, declarative API to construct complex queries efficiently.

Features #

  • Build Complex OData Queries: Supports all key OData query options, including $filter, $orderby, $select, $expand, $top, $skip, and $count.
  • Programmatic Filter Construction: Allows you to build OData filters with logical operations like eq, lt, gt, and, or, etc.
  • URL Encoding: Automatically encodes query parameters for safe usage in URLs.
  • Map Conversion: Convert query parameters into a Map<String, String> format for added flexibility when integrating with different APIs.
  • OData Query Documentation: For detailed OData query options, refer to OData Query Options Overview.

Example #

import 'package:odata_query/odata_query.dart';

void main() {
  // Example 1: Standard filter, orderBy, select, expand, top, and count
  final queryString = ODataQuery(
    filter: Filter.and(
      Filter.eq('Name', 'Milk'),
      Filter.lt('Price', 2.55),
    orderBy: OrderBy.desc('Price'),
    select: ['Name', 'Price'],
    expand: ['Category'],
    top: 10,
    count: true,

  // Output:
  // "$filter=Name%20eq%20'Milk'%20and%20Price%20lt%202.55&$orderby=Price%20desc&$select=Name,Price&$expand=Category&$top=10&$count=true"

  // Example 2: Filter with logical operators and select/expand parameters
  final queryMap = ODataQuery(
    filter: Filter.and(
        Filter.eq('Category', 'Beverages'),
        Filter.eq('Category', 'Snacks'),
      Filter.gt('Price', 5),
    select: ['Name', 'Price', 'Category'],
    expand: ['Supplier', 'Category'],

  // Output:
  // {
  //   '$filter': "Category eq 'Beverages' or Category eq 'Snacks' and Price gt 5",
  //   '$select': 'Name,Price,Category',
  //   '$expand': 'Supplier,Category',
  // }

  // Example 3: Nested expand with a sub-query
  final queryNested = ODataQuery(
    select: ['Name', 'Price'],
    expand: ['Category(${ODataQuery(select: ['Type'])})'],

  // Output:
  // "$select=Name,Price&$expand=Category($select=Type)"

  // Example 4: Using inList to filter with multiple values
  final queryInList = ODataQuery(
    filter: Filter.inList('Name', ['Milk', 'Cheese', 'Donut']),
    select: ['Name', 'Price'],

  // Output:
  // "$filter=Name%20in%20('Milk'%2C%20'Cheese'%2C%20'Donut')&$select=Name%2CPrice"

  // Example 5: Using inCollection to filter using a collection reference
  final queryInCollection = ODataQuery(
    filter: Filter.inCollection('Name', 'RelevantProductNames'),
    select: ['Name', 'Price'],

  // Output:
  // "$filter=Name%20in%20RelevantProductNames&$select=Name%2CPrice"

API Overview #

ODataQuery #

  • search: Free-text search across multiple fields.
  • filter: Allows filtering results based on conditions (e.g., eq, lt, gt).
  • orderBy: Specify sorting (ascending or descending) on one or more fields.
  • select: Select specific fields to reduce payload size.
  • expand: Include related entities in the query response.
  • top: Limit the number of records returned.
  • skip: Skip a specified number of records (used for pagination).
  • count: Whether to include the total count of matching records.

Filter #

  • eq: Equality filter (e.g., Name eq 'Milk').
  • ne: Non-equality filter.
  • lt/gt: Less than / Greater than.
  • le/ge: Less than or equal / Greater than or equal.
  • and/or: Combine filters with logical and or or.

OrderBy #

  • asc: Ascending sort.
  • desc: Descending sort.


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OData Query Builder is a simple Dart package for building OData query parameter for your REST API.

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MIT (license)




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