odata_query 2.1.0
odata_query: ^2.1.0 copied to clipboard
OData Query Builder is a simple Dart package for building OData query parameter for your REST API.
import 'package:odata_query/odata_query.dart';
void main() {
// Example 1: Build a query to filter products where the name is 'Milk' and price is less than 2.55.
// Then order by 'Price' in descending order, select 'Name' and 'Price', expand the 'Category',
// retrieve the top 10 items, and include the total count of records.
final queryString = ODataQuery(
filter: Filter.and(
Filter.eq('Name', 'Milk'),
Filter.lt('Price', 2.55),
orderBy: OrderBy.desc('Price'),
select: ['Name', 'Price'],
expand: ['Category'], // Expanding related entities
top: 10,
count: true,
print('Query 1 (toEncodedString): $queryString');
// Result:
// "$filter=Name%20eq%20%27Milk%27%20and%20Price%20lt%202.55&$orderby=Price%20desc&$select=Name,Price&$expand=Category&$top=10&$count=true"
// Example 2: Build a query to search for products in the 'Bakery' category,
// return the top 5 results, skip the first 10 items, and order by 'Name' in ascending order.
final queryMap = ODataQuery(
search: 'Bakery',
top: 5,
skip: 10,
orderBy: OrderBy.asc('Name'),
print('Query 2 (toMap): $queryMap');
// Result:
// {
// '$search': "Bakery",
// '$orderby': "Name asc",
// '$top': "5",
// '$skip': "10"
// }