objd_cli 0.0.3 copy "objd_cli: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
objd_cli: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard


The CLI Tool for objD

objD CLI #

The objD CLI is an additional package to handle execution, building and deploying of your project. To activate the global package(will be available anywhere on your system), run this command:

pub global activate objd_cli

This will add the commands to your console. To run a command run:

objd [command] [args]


pub global run objd:[command] [args]

If the objd command is not available, you have to add the pub cache to your system path. Follow this tutorial: https://www.dartlang.org/tools/pub/cmd/pub-global#running-a-script-from-your-path

Commands #

  • help - opens a help menu with all commands
  • new [project_name] - generates a new project from a boilerplate
  • run [project_root] - builds one project
  • serve [directory] [project_root] - watches the directory to change and builds the project on change
  • server inject [jar-file] - injects a server file(use bukkit with plugins to reload automatically) before starting the server(The file is not included in the package due to legal reasons)
  • server start [world_dir] - copies the world into the server directory and starts the server

Build Options #

You can use certain arguments to pass options to the build methods. This argument list can directly be edited in createProject:

	["arg1","arg2", ... ] // arguments as optional List

OR (what I recommend) you can just take the program arguments from main:

void main(List<String> args) {

This allows you to use the arguments in the execution command, like:

  • dart index.dart arg1 --min
  • objd run index.dart arg1 --min
  • objd serve . index.dart --min

All Available Arguments:

  • --hotreload: Saves the state of your project and compares just the latest changes.
  • --full: Generates the full project(just for objd serve!).
  • --min: This minifies the file amount by ignoring the mcmeta and tag files
  • --gen: Using this flag runs darts build_runner before objd to apply all necessary code generators
  • --prod: This creates a production build of your project and saves it into another datapack((prod) added). In Production Comments and line breaks are removed and every widget can access the prod value in Context to get notified.
  • --debug: This creates a debug json file in your project root, that lists all properties and other generated files

Hotreload #

The hotreload option is an experimental feature, that just looks at the things you changed since the last build. This can improve performance significantly especially for big projects with many generated mcfunctions.

This feature is enabled by default for objd serve, if you include the args. You can disable it with the -full option.

How it works:

objD saves a representation of your project in the objd.json file of your project. For each new build or reload it checks which parts of the project you changed and just generates the new necessary files to implement your change in the datapack.

pub points


verified publisherstevertus.com

The CLI Tool for objD





unknown (license)


args, http, watcher


Packages that depend on objd_cli