oauth_dio 0.2.9
oauth_dio: ^0.2.9 copied to clipboard
A customizable oauth client with token storage and interceptors for dio
oauth_dio #
A customizable oauth client with token storage and interceptors for dio.
Getting Started #
Instantiate a new OAuth Client:
// myclient.dart
import 'package:oauth_dio/oauth_dio.dart';
final oauth = OAuth(
tokenUrl: '<YOUR TOKEN URL>',
clientId: '<YOUR CLIENT ID>',
clientSecret: '<YOUR SECRET>');
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Obtaining an access token using username and password:
OAuthToken token = oauth.requestTokenAndSave(
username: '<YOUR USERNAME>',
password: '<YOUR PASSWORD>'
).then((token) {
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Updating access token using a refresh token:
OAuthToken token = oauth.requestTokenAndSave(
refreshToken: '<YOUR REFRESH TOKEN>'
).then((token) {
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Configuring Dio to send access tokens: #
Instantiate a new OAuth Client with a permanent storage, by default oauth is configured with memory storage.
In this example we will use the flutter_secure_storage plugin to store the token on the device's keychain.
// myclient.dart
import 'package:oauth_dio/oauth_dio.dart';
import 'package:flutter_secure_storage/flutter_secure_storage.dart';
class OAuthSecureStorage extends OAuthStorage {
final FlutterSecureStorage storage = const FlutterSecureStorage();
final accessTokenKey = 'accessToken';
final refreshTokenKey = 'refreshToken';
final tokenExpirationKey = 'tokenExpiration';
Future<OAuthToken> fetch() async {
final expiration = await storage.read(key: tokenExpirationKey);
return OAuthToken(
accessToken: await storage.read(key: accessTokenKey),
refreshToken: await storage.read(key: refreshTokenKey),
expiration: DateTime.tryParse(expiration.toString()));
Future<OAuthToken> save(OAuthToken token) async {
await storage.write(key: accessTokenKey, value: token.accessToken);
await storage.write(key: refreshTokenKey, value: token.refreshToken);
await storage.write(key: tokenExpirationKey, value: token.expiration.toString());
return token;
Future<void> clear() async {
await storage.delete(key: accessTokenKey);
await storage.delete(key: refreshTokenKey);
await storage.delete(key: tokenExpirationKey);
final oauth = OAuth(
tokenUrl: '<YOUR TOKEN URL>',
clientId: '<YOUR CLIENT ID>',
clientSecret: '<YOUR SECRET>',
storage: OAuthSecureStorage()
final authenticatedDio = Dio();
authenticatedDio.get('/my/protected/resource').then((response) {
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Custom grant types #
Use the abstract class OAuthGrantType to implement a custom grant type.
import 'package:oauth_dio/oauth_dio.dart';
class TicketGrant extends OAuthGrantType {
String accessToken;
RequestOptions handle (RequestOptions request) {
request.data = "grant_type=ticket&access_token=$accessToken";
return request;
// Request token using ticket grant
accessToken: 'foobar'
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Feedback #
Please feel free to give me any feedback helping support this package!