nyxx_commands 2.0.0 copy "nyxx_commands: ^2.0.0" to clipboard
nyxx_commands: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard


A framework for easily creating slash commands and text commands for Discord using the nyxx library.

2.0.0: #

Breaking features:

  • Messages sent by bot users will no longer be executed by default, see BotOptions.acceptBotCommands and BotOptions.acceptSelfCommands

New features:

  • A new acceptBotCommands option has been added to BotOptions to allow executing commands from messages sent by other bot users
  • A new acceptSelfCommands options has been added to BotOptions to allow executing commands from messages sent by the bot itself
  • onPreCall and onPostCall streams on Commands and Groups can be used to register pre- and post- call hooks
  • AbstractCheck class can be exetended to implement stateful checks
  • CooldownCheck can be used to apply a cooldown to a command based on different criteria
  • InteractionCheck and MessageCheck can be used with Check.any() to allow slash commands or text commands to bypass other checks
  • Check.all() can be used to group checks

Bug fixes:

  • Invalid cased command/group/argument names are now caught and a CommandRegistrationError is thrown
  • StringView.escape() now correctly escapes from start to end and not start to index

1.0.0 #

  • Version 1 was skipped to keep version consistent with the other nyxx libraries

0.4.0 #

Breaking changes:

  • Exceptions have been reworked and are no longer named the same

New features:

  • Converters can now specify pre-defined choices for their type, this behaviour can be overridden on a per-command basis with the @Choices decorator
  • Command arguments can now have custom names with the @Name decorator

0.3.0 #

New features:

  • Checks now integrate with Discord's slash command permissions
  • Checks can now be asynchronous
  • Added RoleCheck, UserCheck and GuildCheck that represent the basic Discord slash command permissions: role restricted, user restricted and guild restricted (guild command)
  • Slash command arguments can have descriptions set with the @Description decorator

Breaking changes:

  • Checks are no longer a simple function

0.2.0 #

Breaking changes:

  • Reorder description and execute parameters in Command.textOnly and Command.slashOnly constructors.
  • Remove syncDeleted option from BotOptions as nyxx_interactions removes them on sync anyways.

New features:

  • Add send(MessageBuilder) and respond(MessageBuilder) methods to Context
  • Add children as an optional argument to Command and Group constructor
  • Add autoAcknowledgeInteractions option to BotOptions to determine whether to automatically respond to interaction events
  • Commands can now restrict execution using checks


  • InteractionContext.respond will no longer throw an error when responding immediately
  • Slash Commands can no longer have direct slash command children
  • Errors emitted outside of argument parsing and callback execution are now correctly sent to Bot.onCommandError


  • Text-only and slash-only commands can now have Context as their first argument type

0.1.0 #

  • Initial release


verified publisherl7ssha.xyz

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A framework for easily creating slash commands and text commands for Discord using the nyxx library.


API reference


MIT (license)


logging, meta, nyxx, nyxx_interactions


Packages that depend on nyxx_commands