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NumHelpers is a Dart extension that is highly influenced by provides convenient methods for formatting numbers in various ways, including abbreviations, h [...]

NumHelpers Extension for Dart/Flutter #

NumHelpers is a Dart extension that is highly influenced by provides convenient methods for formatting numbers in various ways, including abbreviations, human-readable formats, currency formatting, percentage formatting, and file size conversion. This extension is particularly useful in Flutter applications where such number formatting is a common requirement.

Features #

  • abbreviate: Shortens large numbers into abbreviated forms (e.g., 1K, 1M, 1B).
  • forHumans: Converts numbers into a human-readable format (e.g., '1 thousand', '2 million').
  • format: Formats a number with specified precision and locale.
  • percentage: Converts a number to a percentage string, with optional precision.
  • currency: Formats numbers as currency, with options for different currency codes, locales, and symbol usage.
  • fileSize: Converts byte counts into a human-readable file size format (e.g., KB, MB, GB).

Installation #

To use NumHelpers in your Dart/Flutter project, add it as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:

  numhelpers: ^1.0.0 # Use the latest version

Usage #

Import the NumHelpers extension in your Dart/Flutter file:

import 'package:numhelpers/numhelpers.dart';

Abbreviate #

The abbreviate method shortens large numbers into abbreviated forms (e.g., 1K, 1M, 1B).

print(1000.abbreviate()); // Outputs: 1K
print(1500.abbreviate()); // Outputs: 1.5K
print(500.abbreviate());  // Outputs: 500

For Humans #

The forHumans method converts numbers into a human-readable format (e.g., '1 thousand', '2 million').

print(1000.forHumans());       // Outputs: 1 thousand
print(2000000.forHumans());    // Outputs: 2 million
print(123456789.forHumans());  // Outputs: 123 million

Format #

The format method formats a number with specified precision and locale.

print(1234.56.format());               // Outputs: 1,234.56
print(1234.56.format(precision: 1));   // Outputs: 1,234.6
print(1234.0.format(maxPrecision: 2)); // Outputs: 1,234.00

Percentage #

The percentage method converts a number to a percentage string, with optional precision.

print(10.percentage());               // Outputs: 10%
print(10.percentage(precision: 2));   // Outputs: 10.00%
print(10.123.percentage(maxPrecision: 2)); // Outputs: 10.12%

Currency #

The currency method formats numbers as currency, with options for different currency codes, locales, and symbol usage.

print(1000.0.currency()); // Outputs: $1,000
print(1000.0.currency(currencyCode: 'EUR')); // Outputs: €1,000
print(1234.56.currency(currencyCode: 'USD')); // Outputs: $1,234.56
print(1234.5.currency(currencyCode: 'USD', useSymbol: false, precision: 2)); // Outputs: USD 1,234.50
print(1234.0.currency(currencyCode: 'EUR', locale: 'de', useSymbol: false, precision: 2)); // Outputs: 1.234,00 EUR

File Size #

The fileSize method converts byte counts into a human-readable file size format (e.g., KB, MB, GB).

print(1024.fileSize());          // Outputs: 1 KB
print(1048576.fileSize());       // Outputs: 1 MB
print(1073741824.fileSize());    // Outputs: 1 GB
print(1099511627776.fileSize()); // Outputs: 1 TB


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NumHelpers is a Dart extension that is highly influenced by provides convenient methods for formatting numbers in various ways, including abbreviations, human-readable formats, currency formatting, percentage formatting, and file size conversion. This extension is particularly useful in Flutter applications where such number formatting is a common requirement.

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flutter, intl


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