number2words 0.0.5 number2words: ^0.0.5 copied to clipboard
A new Flutter package for converting numbers to words. This package suits best for multilingual applications and is inspired by the PHP package
number2words: #
Flutter Package for Converting Numbers to Words .Effortlessly transform numbers into their written counterparts with Number2Words, your go-to Flutter toolkit!
What it Does #
Number2Words takes any integer or double and delivers its accurate textual representation, seamlessly handling:
- Large Numbers: Can convert up to 12 digits
- Decimals: Convert with precision, up to your desired decimal places.
- Grammatical Accuracy: Singular/plural forms, hyphens, and "and" placement are handled perfectly.
- Customizations: Specify the currency format, language (optional), and lettercases like Titlecase, Lowercase, UpperCase and Sentence Case
Getting Started #
- Add Number2Words to your
number2words: ^0.x.x # Replace `0.x.x` with the latest version
- Import the package:
import 'package:number2words/number2words.dart';
- Convert your numbers:
/// Example of usage
language: Number2WordsLanguage.english,
wordCase: WordCaseEnum.titleCase,
/// One Lakh Twenty Three Thousand Four Hundred Forty Four Rupees And Three Paisa Only
/// Example of usage
language: Number2WordsLanguage.nepali,
wordCase: WordCaseEnum.titleCase,
languageNamingSystem: LanguageNamingSystem.native
/// एक लाख तेइस हजार चार सय चवालिस रुपैया, तीन पैसा
/// Example of usage
language: Number2WordsLanguage.nepali,
wordCase: WordCaseEnum.titleCase,
languageNamingSystem: LanguageNamingSystem.semiNative,
/// One Lakh Twenty-three Thousand Four Hundred Forty-four Rupees And Three Paisa
language: Number2WordsLanguage.nepali,
wordCase: WordCaseEnum.titleCase,
/// Eleven Million One Hundred Twenty-three Thousand Four Hundred Forty-four Rupees And Three Paisa
Contribute to Number2Words! #
We welcome your contributions to improve Number2Words! Feel free to:
- Report issues or suggest new features on the GitHub repository.
- Submit pull requests with bug fixes or enhancements.
- Share your feedback and experiences in the package discussions.
License #
Number2Words is released under the MIT license.
We hope number2words becomes a valuable asset in your Flutter development toolkit!
Happy coding!