ntlm_request 0.0.1-beta copy "ntlm_request: ^0.0.1-beta" to clipboard
ntlm_request: ^0.0.1-beta copied to clipboard

Get username from http requests in windows environment to use with ldap and active directory

A way to get username from http requests on windows environment! #

NOTE: this implementation is a transcript from java at this link: https://www.rgagnon.com/javadetails/java-0441.html

Features #

Now, when you are working with ldap, you can get user information from http requests and after you can query ldap to get more user informations from dart!

Installing #

Add ntlm request to your pubspec.yaml file:


Import ntlm request in files that it will be used:

import 'package:ntlm_request/ntlm_request.dart';

Getting started #

Just create an instance of ntlm request inside a route and start using it. Note that the return type of this is an object. I decided to not return a Response object directly to avoid fixing another package here. This way you can use any http packages you want, just insert the results into your response statusCode and headers!

    // inside your http route....
      RetType ret = ntlm.proccessRequest(req.headers);

      if (ret.statusCode != 200) {
        return Response(ret.statusCode, headers: ret.headers);
      if (ret.statusCode == 200 && ret.userName!.isNotEmpty) {
        return Response.ok(ret.userName);

Usage #

  final appRouter = Router();

  appRouter.get('/api/getUserDetails', (Request req) async {
    NtlmRequest ntlm = NtlmRequest();
    RetType ret;
    try {
      ret = ntlm.proccessRequest(req.headers);

      if (ret.statusCode != 200) {
        return Response(ret.statusCode, headers: ret.headers);
      if (ret.statusCode == 200 && ret.userName!.isNotEmpty) {
        return Response.ok(ret.userName);
    } catch (e) {
    return Response(401,
        headers: {'error': 'ntlm user not identified in request header!'});

Additional information #

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unverified uploader

Get username from http requests in windows environment to use with ldap and active directory

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BSD-3-Clause (LICENSE)


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