nsid 0.1.0
nsid: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard
Provide standard NSID object supported by AT Protocol to Dart/Flutter.
// Copyright 2023 Shinya Kato. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided the conditions.
import 'package:nsid/nsid.dart';
void main(List<String> args) {
final id1 = NSID.parse('com.example.foo');
id1.authority; // => 'example.com'
id1.name; // => 'foo'
id1.toString(); // => 'com.example.foo'
final id2 = NSID.create('example.com', 'foo');
id2.authority; // => 'example.com'
id2.name; // => 'foo'
id2.toString(); // => 'com.example.foo'
final id3 = NSID.create('example.com', '*');
id3.authority; // => 'example.com'
id3.name; // => '*'
id3.toString(); // => 'com.example.*'
NSID.isValid('com.example.foo'); // => true
NSID.isValid('com.example.*'); // => true
NSID.isValid('example.com/foo'); // => false
NSID.isValid('foo'); // => false