notification_listener_service 0.3.4 notification_listener_service: ^0.3.4 copied to clipboard
Flutter Plugin to listen to all incoming notifications (posted or removed) with the possibility to reply to them
notification_listener_service #
A flutter plugin for interacting with Notification Service in Android.
NotificationListenerService is a service that receives calls from the system when new notifications are posted or removed,
for more info check NotificationListenerService
Installation and usage #
Add package to your pubspec:
notification_listener_service: any # or the latest version on Pub
Inside AndroidManifest add this to bind notification service with your application
<service android:label="notifications" android:name="notification.listener.service.NotificationListener"
android:permission="android.permission.BIND_NOTIFICATION_LISTENER_SERVICE" android:exported="true">
<action android:name="android.service.notification.NotificationListenerService" />
/// check if notification permession is enebaled
final bool status = await NotificationListenerService.isPermissionGranted();
/// request notification permission
/// it will open the notifications settings page and return `true` once the permission granted.
final bool status = await NotificationListenerService.requestPermission();
/// stream the incoming notification events
NotificationListenerService.notificationsStream.listen((event) {
log("Current notification: $event");
The ServiceNotificationEvent
/// the notification id
int? id;
/// check if we can reply the Notification
bool? canReply;
/// if the notification has an extras image
bool? haveExtraPicture;
/// if the notification has been removed
bool? hasRemoved;
/// notification extras image
/// To display an image simply use the [Image.memory] widget.
Uint8List? extrasPicture;
/// notification large icon
/// To display an image simply use the [Image.memory] widget.
Uint8List? largeIcon;
/// notification package name
String? packageName;
/// notification title
String? title;
/// the notification app icon
/// To display an image simply use the [Image.memory] widget.
Uint8List? appIcon;
/// the content of the notification
String? content;
/// send a direct message reply to the incoming notification
Future<bool> sendReply(String message)
To reply to a notification provides:
try {
await event.sendReply("This is an auto response");
} catch (e) {
Example of the app on foreground #
Find the exemple app Here