nostr_dart 0.4.0 copy "nostr_dart: ^0.4.0" to clipboard
nostr_dart: ^0.4.0 copied to clipboard

A Nostr protocol client API for building censorship-resistant social network applications in Dart/Flutter.

0.1.0 #

  • Initial version.

0.1.1 #

  • Fixed package import documentation.

0.2.0 #

0.3.0 #

  • Reworked Contact & Nostr class constructors to make instantiating these classes more terse.
  • Added a method to publish arbitrary events [Nostr.sendEvent].

0.4.0 #

  • Refactored relay management and subscription requests into a RelayPool class. This changes the interfaces for adding/removing relays and subscribing/unsubscribing to events.
  • Nostr.pool.add only sends existing subscriptions to a newly added relay if its autoSubscribe parameter is true.
  • Nostr.pool.add allows read/write attributes to be configured for relays with its access parameter.
  • Received events are now accessed via a listener callback provided to Nostr.pool.subscribe. This allows different subscriptions to route events to different event listeners.
  • Nostr.sendTextNote, Nostr.sendMetaData, Nostr.recommendServer, Nostr.sendContactList, Nostr.pool.subscribe, are no longer asynchronous operations. nostr_dart now maintains an asynchronous job queue for each connected relay to sequence relay communications.
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A Nostr protocol client API for building censorship-resistant social network applications in Dart/Flutter.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


bip340, clock, crypto, hex, queue, string_validator, web_socket_channel


Packages that depend on nostr_dart