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Dart/Flutter Package for Nordigen EU PSD2 AISP API Integration, with relevant Data Models.

nordigen_integration #

Development of a Null Safe Dart/Flutter Package for Nordigen EU PSD2 AISP Banking API Integration with relevant Data Models, proper encapsulation with the exposing of parameters, and succinct documentation.

For more information about the API view Nordigen's Account Information API documentation.

nordigen_integration version

Usage Steps #

  1. Go through the Nordigen's Account Information API documentation.

  2. Register and get the API Access Token from

  3. Initialise the NordigenAccountInfoAPI Class with the token recieved from Step 2.

  4. Call any of the NordigenAccountInfoAPI Class methods to directly interact with Nordigen Server's endpoints while having the internal requests and relevant headers abstracted, based on your need.

  5. Utilize any of the available Data Classes to modularly and sufficiently store and process the information during any of the API usage steps. The Data Classes have functionality to be constructed fromMap() and to be easily converted back toMap() as well as to be serialized, at any point.

Available Methods #

  1. NordigenAccountInfoAPI({required String accessToken}) (Class constuctor)

    Call it with accessToken parameter which is the access token recieved from, to access API features.

    Analogous to Step 1 of Account Information API documentation.

  2. getASPSPsForCountry({required String countryCode})

    Gets the ASPSPs (Banks) in the Country represented by the given two-letter countryCode (ISO 3166).

    Analogous to Step 2 of Account Information API documentation.

  3. createEndUserAgreement({required String endUserID, required String aspspID, int maxHistoricalDays = 90})

    Creates an End User Agreement for the given endUserID, aspspID and for the given maxHistoricalDays (default 90 days) and returns the resulting EndUserAgreementModel.

    Analogous to Step 3 of Account Information API documentation.

  4. createRequisition({required String endUserID, required String redirect, required String reference, List<String> agreements = const <String>[]})

    Create a Requisition for the given endUserID and returns the resulting RequisitionModel. reference is additional layer of unique ID. Should match Step 3 if done. redirect is the link where the end user will be redirected after finishing authentication in ASPSP. agreements is as an array of ID(s) from Step 3 or empty array if that step was skipped.

    Analogous to Step 4.1 of Account Information API documentation.

  5. fetchRedirectLinkForRequisition({required String aspspID, required String requisitionID})

    Provides a redirect link for the Requisition represented by the requisitionID passed in, for the ASPSP represented by the given aspspID.

    Analogous to Step 4.2 of Account Information API documentation.

  6. getRequisitionFromID({required String requisitionID})

    Gets the Requisition identified by requisitionID.

  7. getEndUserAccountIDs({required String requisitionID})

    Gets the Account IDs of the User for the Requisition identified by requisitionID.

    Analogous to Step 5 of Account Information API documentation.

  8. getAccountDetails({required String accountID})

    Gets the Details of the Bank Account identified by accountID. Account Model follows schema in

    Analogous to Step 6 of Account Information API documentation for Account Details.

  9. getAccountTransactions({required String accountID})

    Gets the Transactions of the Bank Account identified by accountID as a Map<String, List<TransactionData>> with keys 'booked' and 'pending' representing List of Booked and pending transactions respectively.

    Analogous to Step 6 of Account Information API documentation for Account Transactions.

  10. getAccountBalances({required String accountID})

    Gets the Balances of the Bank Account identified by accountID as dynamic. Will be depreciated later when documentation provides example of potentially fetched Balance Data.

    Analogous to Step 6 of Account Information API documentation for Account Balances.

There are also various other methods for implementing POST, GET and DELETE requests across various endpoints in Nordigen Server, which are self explanatory:

  1. getASPSPUsingID({required String aspspID})

  2. getEndUserAgreementUsingID({required String endUserAgreementID})

  3. getEndUserAgreementsUsingUserID({required String endUserID})

  4. deleteEndUserAgreementUsingID({required String endUserAgreementID})

  5. getRequisitions({int limit = 100, int offset = 0,})

  6. getRequisitionUsingID({required String requisitionID})

  7. deleteRequisitionUsingID({required String requisitionID})

  8. getAccountMetaData({required String accountID})

Available Data Classes #

Refer for most of the Data Schema and the mentioned URLs in the special cases.

  1. ASPSP({required String id, required String name, String bic = '', int transactionTotalDays = 90, required List<String> countries})

    ASPSP (Bank) Data Model for Nordigen. Contains the id of the ASPSP, its name, bic, transactionTotalDays and the countries associated with the ASPSP.

  2. EndUserAgreementModel({required String id, String created, String? accepted, int maxHistoricalDays = 90, int accessValidForDays = 90, required String endUserID, required String aspspID}):

    End-user Agreement Data Model for Nordigen. Contains the id of the Agreement, its created time string, accepted, the number of maxHistoricalDays and accessValidForDays, and the endUserID and aspspID relevant to the Agreement.

  3. RequisitionModel({required String id, required String redirectURL, required String reference, String status = '', List<String> agreements = const <String>[], List<String> accounts = const <String>[], required String endUserID}):

    Requisition Data Model for Nordigen. Contains the id of the Requisition, its status, end-user agreements, the redirectURL to which it should redirect, reference ID if any, accounts associated, and the associated endUserID.

  4. AccountMetaData({required String id, String created, String? lastAccessed, String iban, String aspspIdentifier, String status = ''}) Account meta-data model for Nordigen. Contains the id of the Bank Account, its created and lastAccessed date and time, iban, status and the aspspIdentifier identifiying its ASPSP. Refer to

  5. AccountDetails({String? id, String? iban, String? msisdn, required String currency, String? ownerName, String? name, String? displayName, String? product, String? cashAccountType, String? status, String? bic, String? linkedAccounts, String? usage, String? details, List<Balance>? balances, List<String>? links}):

    Bank Account Details Model for Nordigen. Refer to for full Data Schema.

  6. TransactionData({required String id, String? debtorName, Map<String, dynamic>? debtorAccount, String? bankTransactionCode, String bookingDate = '', String valueDate = '', required String transactionAmount, String? remittanceInformationUnstructured = '', ...}):

    Transaction Data Model for Nordigen. Refer to for full Data Schema.

  7. Balance({required AmountData balanceAmount, required String balanceType, bool? creditLimitIncluded, String? lastChangeDateTime, String? referenceDate, String? lastCommittedTransaction})

    Balance Data Model for Nordigen. Contains balanceAmount of Transaction, its balanceType, whether its creditLimitIncluded, its lastChangeDateTime and referenceDate as String and the lastCommittedTransaction.

    Refer to for full Data Schema and the available balance types.

  8. AmountData({required String amount, required String currency})

    It is a simple Class that holds the transaction amount and the currency type, both as required parameters.

Example Usage #

import 'package:nordigen_integration/nordigen_integration.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
    /// Step 1
    final NordigenAccountInfoAPI apiInterface = NordigenAccountInfoAPI(
        accessToken: 'YOUR_TOKEN',

    /// Step 2 and then selecting the first ASPSP
    final ASPSP firstBank =
        (await apiInterface.getASPSPsForCountry(countryCode: 'gb')).first;

    /// Step 4.1
    final RequisitionModel requisition = await apiInterface.createRequisition(
        endUserID: 'exampleEndUser',
        redirect: '',
        reference: 'exampleRef42069666',

    /// Step 4.2
    final String redirectLink =
        await apiInterface.fetchRedirectLinkForRequisition(

    /// Open and Validate [redirectLink] and proceed with other functionality.

Dependencies #

http is used for making API calls to the Nordigen Server Endpoints with proper response and error handling.

Tests Screenshot #

Nordigen EU PSD2 AISP Integration Tests Successful Screenshot

In case of any bugs, reach out to me at @Dhi13man or file an issue #

The first release of this package was sponsored by Cashtic. Show them some love! This package would not otherwise be possible #

Big thanks to contributors, including @stantemo and @c-louis. Contribution is welcome, and makes my day brighter #

Getting Started

This project is a starting point for a Dart package, a library module containing code that can be shared easily across multiple Flutter or Dart projects.

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials,samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.



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Dart/Flutter Package for Nordigen EU PSD2 AISP API Integration, with relevant Data Models.

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