nohfibu 0.0.3
nohfibu: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
nohkumados Finanz Buchhaltungs App very simple financial account library to implement a simple, filebased, double-entry accounting. Fast ops allow prepared statements.
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:nohfibu/settings.dart';
import 'package:nohfibu/csv_handler.dart';
import 'package:nohfibu/nohfibu.dart';
/// Launcher for the accounting analysis
/// -r launches the analysys
/// -b <name> set the base name to work on
/// Issues a result file with the accounting analysis
class Fibu {
bool strict = false;
///book holds the accounting plan and the journal
Book book = Book();
Fibu({strict = false}) {
if (strict) this.strict = true;
/// launch the financial analysis, meaning, making the account extracts, fill in the final state
/// of the accounts, and compare the 4 blocks of account (aktiva/passiva, expenses/income)
/// to validate the accounting period
String execute() {
print("asked to run!");
book.execute(); //TODO we should report if there were errors....
String result = book.toString() + "\n";
result += book.kpl.toString(extracts: true);
result += "=" * 20 + " Analysis " + "=" * 20 + "\n";
//result += "Aktiva \n"+ (book.kpl.get("1")).toString(recursive: true)+"\n";
result += book.kpl.analysis();
return result;
///to have a cammand line version of this program
main(List<String> arguments) //async
//print("incoming : $arguments");
///add command line argument parsing
Settings settings = Settings();
abbr: 'r', defaultsTo: false, help: "run the accounting process");
Fibu fibu = Fibu();
//print("result of arg run... : ${argResults["help"]}\n");
//print("result of arg run... : ${argResults["help"]} sh: ${argResults["\?"]}\n");
if (settings["help"] || settings["error"]) {
///provided a basename was given, a file with the data can be loaded , the CsvHandler class, reads in the csv
/// and fills the book
if (settings["base"] != null && settings["base"].isNotEmpty) {
//print("opening file ${settings["base"]}");
String basename = settings["base"];
String fname = basename + ".csv";
print("trying to fetch book from file $fname");
var handler = CsvHandler();
handler.load(book:, conf: settings);
if (settings["run"]) {
String result = fibu.execute();
fname = (settings["output"].isNotEmpty)
? settings["output"]
: basename + ".lst";
//print ("retrieved\n$result");
File(fname).writeAsString(result).then((file) {
print("write seems successful, please check $fname");
} else
print("book so far: ${}");
} else
print("no file to load");
print("end of processing");