nohfibu 0.0.1-alpha nohfibu: ^0.0.1-alpha copied to clipboard
nohkumados Finanz Buchhaltungs App
Dart Fi(nanz) Bu(chhaltung) #
Dart implementation for financial accounting, according to the principle of the double account processing first described in 1445 by Luca Paciolo.
Getting Started #
How to run wbconvert #
You will need a working dart (or today, flutter) installation
How to run wbconvert on a raspberry pi (arm64) #
WARNING: if not otherwise specified, never execute anything as root user,
if you do, be prepared for a hell of pain! you are warned!
$ cd projects # or wherever you store your stuff
$ wget
$ unzip
$ rm
$ dart-sdk/bin/dart --version # check that the dart interpreter is working
$ export PATH=$PATH:`pwd`/dart-sdk/bin # to enable dart locally in the actual shell
$ git clone .
$ cd dart_fibu/ # or wherever you store your stuff
afterwards if you want to update the project to the actual active version you just need to
git pull
Usage #
The converter
this converter has the function to convert our old data into csv that will be imported into the new dart fibu
dart run bin/wbconvert.dart --help
##### sample output #################################
### bboett@videopi:fibu$ dart run bin/wbconvert.dart --help
### bin/wbconvert.dart: Warning: Interpreting this as package URI, 'package:nohfibu/wbconvert.dart'.
### applying args: lang:de base:null out:null help:true strict:false rest: []
### -l, --lang Language setting
### (defaults to "de")
### -f, --file Basename of the dataset
### -o, --output output name
### -?, --[no-]help Help about the options
### -s, --[no-]strict enforce old WB-Style parsing
#to really convert something: relative pathes don't work, absolute do
# easiest go to where the data is and call the script from there....
dart run bin/wbconvert.dart -f <your kpl file> -s
# this will generate a csv that can be further processed
$ dart run bin/fibu.dart --help # to test directly from the source dir
$ fibu --help # if you have activated the project, or precompiled
$ fibu -r -b assets/wbsamples/sample # will analyze the .csv file and produce a .lst result file
at the moment issues only to read in csv file, but will be extended in a future version
Installation/activation #
Once this runs, you can activate the project, we suppose you haven't done any cd'ing in the meantime:
You need to repeat this after updates if some binaries are missing!
$ dart pub global activate --source path `pwd`
and after adding (don't forget the dart sdk path if you installed it locally)
export PATH="$PATH":"$HOME/.pub-cache/bin"
to your ~/.bashrc
you can simply run
wbconvert -f modell -s
instead of activating the project, you can also precompile them, which makes them way faster!
dart compile exe bin/fibu.dart -o ~/bin/fibu
dart compile exe bin/wbconvert.dart -o ~/bin/fibuwbconvert # to avoid name conflicts...
You don't have to take my word for it, here an example of the speed up (on a raspberry pi, on my main comp, the times are all 0....):
bboett@videolan:~/projects/dart_fibu $ time ~/bin/fibu -r -b assets/wbsamples/me2000.csv
trying to fetch book from file assets/wbsamples/me2000.csv
load Book: assets/wbsamples/me2000 csv
write seems successful, please check assets/wbsamples/me2000.lst
real 0m0.819s
user 0m0.732s
sys 0m0.114s
bboett@videolan:~/projects/dart_fibu $ time dart run bin/fibu.dart -r -b assets/wbsamples/me2000.csv
trying to fetch book from file assets/wbsamples/me2000.csv
load Book: assets/wbsamples/me2000 csv
write seems successful, please check assets/wbsamples/me2000.lst
real 0m15.438s
user 0m22.081s
sys 0m2.265s
Documentation #
the documentation written for the C wb fibu, one day soon, hopefully, i will extend it to include the dart version, still logic and theory will be the same, so please adapt as fit, but its still usable.