ngex 0.0.7 copy "ngex: ^0.0.7" to clipboard
ngex: ^0.0.7 copied to clipboard

Effortless state management for Flutter apps. Simplify your workflow and enhance user experience.

Welcome to Ngex! #

Ngex is a simple state management framework for Flutter, which allows having a data store globally or even using it as a data manager for an application controller.

Import the library #

import 'package:ngex/ngex.dart';

StoreValue #

StoreValue allows us to create a value within the store, passing the initial value as the only parameter.

Property Description
Value Current property value
notify Method to notify a change that is not of type setter
watch Method that listens for new changes

Let's see an example of StoreValue:

import 'package:ngex/ngex.dart';
class Store {

	final counter =  StoreValue<int>(10);
	void increment() => counter++; // set increment value
	final list = StoreValue<List<int>>([]);
	void addItem(int item){
	void ListWatch(){
		// Begins to hear property changes> print(element));

StoreBuilder #

StoreBuilder is a flutter widget that allows us to manage state changes in the application view, this widget receives a value and a builder as parameters that will allow state management.

Let's see an example of StoreBuilder:

class  MyApp  extends  StatefulWidget {
	const  MyApp({super.key});
	State<MyApp> createState() =>  _MyAppState();

class  _MyAppState  extends  State<MyApp> {

	final counter =  StoreValue<int>(10);
	void increment(){
	Widget  build(BuildContext context) {
		return Scaffold(
			appBar:  AppBar(
				title:  const  Text('Example')
			body: Container(
				child: StoreBuilder(
					value: counter,
					builder:(context, state){
						return Text("${state.value}");
			floatingActionButton:  FloatingActionButton(
				onPressed: () => increment(),
				child:  const  Icon(Icons.navigation),

NgexStore #

NgexStore is an interface that allows you to create a store which you can use to extend your controller class, thus allowing you to separate your data layer from your business logic.

In addition, NgexStore has a method called initStore that is executed when starting to use the store, allowing the execution of necessary methods or validations depending on the case.

Let's see an example of NgexStore: For the example we are going to create 3 files, store.dart, controller.dart and view.dart.

class  AppStore  extends  NgexStore {
	final counter =  StoreValue<int>(10);
	void  increment() {
class AppController extends AppStore{
	void  initStore() { =>  print("Counter value is: ${val}"));
	void incrementCounter(){

class  _MyAppState  extends  State<MyApp> {

	final ctrl = AppController();	
	Widget  build(BuildContext context) {
		return Scaffold(
			appBar:  AppBar(
				title:  const  Text('Example')
			body: Container(
				child: StoreBuilder(
					value: ctrl.counter,
					builder:(context, state){
						return Text("${state.value}");
			floatingActionButton:  FloatingActionButton(
				onPressed: () => incrementCounter(),
				child:  const  Icon(Icons.navigation),

Motivation #

The motivation of this project is purely educational, which evolved to have a library based on ChangeNotifier that allows managing the state of the application, although the library can be used directly in the view, it is recommended to use it under a software architecture that allows separating the UI of your business logic, when using StoreBuilder the re-rendering is only done in this code snippet avoiding rendering the view completely.

This is how easy we can manage the state of our application, I hope it will be helpful for those who want to use Ngex in their project.

Who I am ? #

My name is Luis Vilches and I am a software developer with a few years of experience. If you have questions about the library or suggestions you can write to me at


pub points



Effortless state management for Flutter apps. Simplify your workflow and enhance user experience.



API reference


MIT (license)


flutter, plugin_platform_interface


Packages that depend on ngex