ngcompiler 3.0.0-dev.3 copy "ngcompiler: ^3.0.0-dev.3" to clipboard
ngcompiler: ^3.0.0-dev.3 copied to clipboard

The AngularDart compiler. It compiles your component files written in Dart into templates so that you don't have to worry about all the complicated hassle.

3.0.0-dev.3 #

  • REFACTOR(ngast,ngcompiler): reduce dynamic usage in i18n.
  • REFACTOR(all): update to Dart 3 (#68).
  • REFACTOR(ngcompiler): fix all static warnings (#50).
  • DOCS(all): update to new workflow badge.

3.0.0-dev.1 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • FIX(ngcompiler): declare types to be X instead of XImpl. (51bd17b3)
  • BREAKING REFACTOR(ngdart): migrate ViewEncapsulation to enum. (2e15858b)
  • BREAKING REFACTOR(ngdart): rename and remove deprecated values from ChangeDetectionStrategy and APP_ID (#41). (3c5523a0)

3.0.0-dev.0 #

Note: This release has breaking changes.

  • FIX: should compile components with mixins (#38).
  • DOCS: cleanup old references to pkg:angular things (#30).
  • BREAKING REFACTOR: remove SlowComponentLoader and ReflectiveInjector (#26).

2.1.4-dev #

  • Fix link in readme.

2.1.3 #

  • FIX: ensure find_components work properly in Dart 2.18.

2.1.2+0 #

  • FIX: move analyzer to dependencies.

2.1.2 #

  • REFACTOR: use the new super initializers in Dart 2.17.

2.1.1+0 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml to improve pub score.
  • Add an empty example to improve pub score.

2.1.1 #

  • Bootstrap against the new ngdart 7.1.0.

2.1.0 #

  • Bump minimum SDK version to 2.17.
  • Fix various static analysis warnings.

2.0.2 #

  • Update

2.0.1 #

  • Allow a slightly wider version range in pkg:angular.

2.0.0 #

  • Support null safety
  • Require Dart ^2.14.0

1.0.1 #

  • Removed invalid link from the OnPush compatibility warning.
  • Update package:analyzer dependency to ^0.40.0.

1.0.0 #

  • Stable release.

  • Added a command-line flag, catchMissingDirectives, that when set warns about missing directives or mispelled bindings.

  • The old pipe syntax (expression | pipeName:arg) is removed. Please use the new syntax for pipes ($pipe.pipeName(expression, arg)) instead.

  • sourceSpanWithLineInfo now includes the surrounding source on the highlighted line(s), with the correct line number(s).

  • FactoryProvider admits static methods as its factory function. This is now supported by @GenerateInjector and ReflectiveInjector.

  • Hooks NgContentRef Api to Dart. An <ng-content> element can be treated as a psudeo-DOM element and queried if it contains a reference.

  • Template expressions are now parsed using package:analyzer and though the subset of expressions supported largely has not changed some expressions that were silently accepted before are now compile-time errors.

0.4.5 #

  • The InjectorReader now fails with an explicit error if types are used inside a ValueProvider object. Previously, using types in ValueProviders would crash the AngularDart compiler.

    Instead of a ValueProvider, use a FactoryProvider for complicated objects, such as those that contain types.

  • Removed the i18n compiler flag that was previously used to opt-in to internationalization in templates before the feature had stabilized.

  • Added support for a command-line flag, allowed_typedefs_as_di_token. This is intended to be used as a transitional flag to ban using a typedef as a DI token (which has non-predictable properties in Dart 2).

  • Added $ChangeDetectionLink, a type checker for matching the experimental @changeDetectionLink annotation.

0.4.4 #

  • Maintenance release to support the newest version of analyzer.

0.4.3 #

  • FormatExceptions thrown while parsing modules in InjectorReader are now rethrown as BuildErrors with source information.

  • The InjectorReader will fail earlier in the compile process on parse errors.

  • Unhandled errors from InjectorReader are now caught and reported with source information.

  • BuildError now has factory constructors to create errors for annotations and elements.

0.4.2 #

  • Updates the messages.unresolvedSource API to support different error messages for each SourceSpan affected.

  • Update failure message to include an asset id when collecting type parameters.

  • TypedReader now throws a build error when reading a private type argument.

0.4.1 #

  • Catches an (invalid) null token of a provider and throws a better error.

  • Catches an (invalid) null value of the function for FactoryProvider.

  • Emits all strings for @GeneratedInjector as raw (r'$5.00').

  • Supports named arguments for ValueProvider and @GeneratedInjector.

  • Prevents InjectorReader.accept() from crashing when given a dependency with no type or token.

0.4.0 #

New Features #

  • Added TypedElement to represent a statically parsed Typed.

  • TypedReader.parse() now returns a TypedElement.

  • Added $Typed, a TypeChecker for Typed.

  • Added TypedReader for parsing generic directive types.

  • Added support for void and Null types to appear in tokens.

  • Added DirectiveVisitor, and removed $HostBinding and $HostListener.

  • Added ModuleReader.extractProviderObjects to use in the view compiler.

  • Added logFine as a new top-level API.

  • Added an internal cli.dart library. See lib/cli.dart for details.

  • Added SplitDartEmitter for internal use.

  • Added $QueryList as a TypeChecker.

  • Expose the $Provider TypeChecker.

  • Added typeArgumentOf helper method.

  • Added support for recognizing the MultiToken type.

  • CompilerFlags now supports as a fast_boot argument; default is true.

  • ReflectorEmitter now takes an optional deferredModules{Source}.

  • Started adding experimental support for a new Module syntax.

Breaking Changes #

  • CompilerFlags no longer parses and supports the 'debug' option and genDebugInfo is always false, and is deprecated pending removal in a future version.

  • Removes unused APIs of ComponentReader.

  • TokenReader no longer supports arbitrary const objects or literals.

  • Removed use_new_template_parser flag. The old parser was removed.

  • Removed $QueryList.

  • Added canRead to NgAssetReader.

  • Moved CompilerFlags and Profile to cli.dart.

  • linkToReference now requires a second parameter, a LibraryReader, and treats private types (i.e. prefixed with _) as dynamic as the compiler cannot point to them.

  • ReflectableEmitter has been completely replaced with a new implementation.

  • Removed all references and use of determining a "prefix" of a type. This was no longer used once ReflectableEmitter was re-written.

  • Removed a number of internal flags that were no longer strictly required.

  • ModuleReader.deduplicateProviders now returns a List not a Set, and providers that are multi are not removed, as it is a feature of the DI system to have multiple of them with the same token.

  • Add the TypeLink class, and replace uses of Uri.

  • @Component and @Directive annotated classes are no longer @Injectable. In practice this means they can no loger be provided as an implicit const Provider(FooComponent) without either manually adding @Injectable or refactoring your code. We found this didn't really affect users, and most uses of components and directives in these lists were accidental.

Bug Fixes #

  • Fixed a bug where the compiler crashed after resolving a bound type failed.

  • Misspelled or otherwise erroneous annotations on classes now produce a more understandable error message, including the element that was annotated and the annotation that was not resolved.

  • Fix a bug where throwFailure hit an NPE without a stack trace.

  • linkTypeOf correctly resolves bound types (i.e. <T>) in most cases, and can fallback to dynamic otherwise.

  • Removed all remaining (invalid) references to package:barback.

  • Prevented a RangeError that occurred when an invalid import lacked an extension.

  • ReflectorEmitter now supports MultiToken and generic-typed tokens, with some known limitations. See

  • Fix a bug in the outliner that did not the correct output extension.

0.3.0 #

  • Always link to export "...template.dart" files in initReflector().
  • Catch missing field-formal (this.) fields and warn in the compiler.
  • Does not emit a registerDependencies function call for empty constructors.
  • initReflector() no longer treats @Pipe as an @Injectable service.

0.2.2 #

  • Fixed the outliner to instruct the analyzer to ignore unused imports.
  • Add NgAssetReader.

0.2.1 #

  • Various changes internal to the compiler.

0.2.0 #

  • Added various classes and helpers to form the new compile infrastructure:
    • ComponentReader
    • DependencyReader, DependencyInvocation, DependencyElement
    • ProviderReader, ProviderElement
    • TokenReader, TypeTokenElement, OpaqueTokenElement
    • getInheritanceHierarchy, urlOf
    • ReflectableReader, ReflectableOutput, ReflectableClass

0.1.1 #

  • Fixed a bug where flag entry_points was only allowed to be a list.

0.1.0 #

  • Initial commit of angular_compiler.
pub points



The AngularDart compiler. It compiles your component files written in Dart into templates so that you don't have to worry about all the complicated hassle.

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BSD-3-Clause (license)


analyzer, args, build, code_builder, collection, csslib, dart_style, logging, meta, ngast, ngdart, path, source_gen, source_span


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