ngast 3.0.0-dev.0 copy "ngast: ^3.0.0-dev.0" to clipboard
ngast: ^3.0.0-dev.0 copied to clipboard

Parser and utilities for AngularDart templates

3.0.0-dev.0 #

  • Migrate to Analyzer v5 and bump minimum SDK to 2.18

2.1.4 #

  • FIX: bring back original import file for compatibility.
  • DOCS: add notices to improve pub score.

2.1.3 #

  • Restore README.
  • Rename exported file.

2.1.2 #

  • Maintenance release

2.1.1 #

  • Maintenance release

2.0.1 #

  • Update

2.0.0 #

  • Support null safety
  • Require Dart ^2.14.0

1.0.1 #

  • Update package:analyzer dependency to ^0.40.0.

1.0.0 #

  • Stable release.
  • Added support for a reference on <ng-content>.
  • toolFriendlyAst{Origin} is always true and is no longer configurable.
  • Removed ThrowingAstVisitor.

0.5.11 #

  • Maintenance release to support Dart 2.5 dev.

0.5.10 #

  • New ThrowingTemplateAstVisitor which throws by default in each visit method.

0.5.9 #

  • Errors caused by parsing an invalid micro expression (i.e. *ngFor) are now reported to the registered ExceptionHandler rather than thrown.

0.5.8 #

  • Fixed a type error that occurred when recovering from a missing closing banana ')]'.

0.5.7 #

  • Annotations may now have compound names (for example

  • It is now an error to use @deferred on a <template> tag or combined with a structural (i.e. *ngIf) directive.

  • Ignores right-trailing spaces when parsing micro expression let-assignments.

  • When parsing a failed micro expression (i.e. *ngFor), avoids a type error.

  • vellip is now a recognized char.

  • Whitespace inside preformatted text (<pre> tags) is now always preserved.

0.5.6 #

  • Maintenance release to support Dart 2.0 stable.

0.5.5 #

  • Maintenance release for -dev.68.

0.5.4 #

  • Add CloseElementAst complement into ContainerAst.
  • Added support for annotations on <template>.
  • The whitespace transformer now understands @preserveWhitespace.

0.5.3+3 #

  • Maintenance release for -dev.60.

0.5.3+2 #

  • Maintenance release for -dev.56.

0.5.3+1 #

  • Fixed source span range of AttributeAst which would extend past EOF when recovering from a value with an unclosed quote.

0.5.3 #

  • Exported ParsedAnnotationAst.

  • Added ContainerAst.

  • Annotations may now be assigned values.

  • Added support for annotations on ContainerAst.

  • The * micro-syntax now supports leading whitespace.

  • Whitespace between <ng-content> and </ng-content> will no longer yield a parsing error.

0.5.2 #

  • The * micro-syntax now supports newlines after an identifier.

0.5.1 #

  • The minimum SDK version is now sdk: ">=2.0.0-dev.46.0 <2.0.0".

  • The * micro-syntax now supports binding to the primary input when followed by additional input or let bindings. Previously the micro-syntax supported binding to the primary input only in isolation.

    Example usage enabled by this change.


    <template [foo]="expr1" [fooContext]="expr2">


    <div *foo="expr1; context: expr2"></div>

0.5.0 #

  • BREAKING CHANGE: We no longer support parsing Dart expressions as part of parsing the template AST. We hope to re-add some support for this by migrating the existing parser in package:angular, but we are likely not to have a stable API for some time.

  • BREAKING CHANGE: Deleted ExpressionParserVisitor (related to above).

0.4.4 #

  • Added MinimizeWhitespaceVisitor.

0.4.3+1 #

  • Maintenance release, supporting newer package versions.

0.4.3 #

  • Maintenance release, supporting newer package versions.

0.4.2 #

  • Supports the latest version of quiver.

0.4.1 #

Bug fixes #

  • Un-escape HTML characters, such as &lt;, &#8721;, or &#x2211;, when they appear in text. Note, we do not do any un-escaping when these characters appear inside elements.

0.4.0 #

First stable release in a while! Going forward we'll be versioning this package normally as needed to support the AngularDart template compiler and analyzer plugin.

New features #

  • Add RecursiveTemplateAstVisitor, which will visit all AST nodes accessible from the given node.
  • Support ngProjectAs decorator on <ng-content>.

Bug fixes #

  • DesugarVisitor now desugars AST nodes which were the (indirect) children of EmbeddedTemplateAst nodes.

0.4.0-alpha.1 #

  • Update version from 0.4.0-alpha+2 to make it come after 0.4.0-alpha.0 which was published in August 2017.

0.4.0-alpha+2 #

  • Requires analyzer: ^0.31.0-alpha.1.

New Features #

  • Now supports AnnotationAsts, like @deferred.
  • Parse SVG tags as either void or non-void with no error.

Bug fixes #

  • Fixed sourceSpan calculation to not include the space before the start of an element decorator.
  • Sets the origin in all synthetic nodes. Previously, we were missing a few cases.
  • Fixed a NPE in DesugarVisitor.

0.4.0-alpha+1 #

Bug fix #

  • Fixed event name for banana syntax [(name)] from nameChanged to nameChange.

0.2.0 #

  • Add an experimental flag to NgParser (toolFriendlyAstOrigin) which wraps de-sugared AST origins in another synthetic AST that represents the intermediate value (i.e. BananaAst or StarAst)
  • Add support for parsing expressions, including de-sugaring pipes. When parsing templates, expression AST objects automatically use the Dart expression parser.
new ExpressionAst.parse('some + dart + expression')
  • One exception: The | operator is not respected, as it is used for pipes in AngularDart. Instead, this operator is converted into a special PipeExpression.
  • Added TemplateAstVisitor and two examples:
    • HumanizingTemplateAstVisitor
    • IdentityTemplateAstVisitor
  • De-sugars the *ngFor-style micro expressions; see micro/*_test.dart.
    • Added attributes as a valid property of EmbeddedTemplateAst

0.1.0 #

  • Initial commit