nftgen 0.0.4 copy "nftgen: ^0.0.4" to clipboard
nftgen: ^0.0.4 copied to clipboard

NFT unique image generator and metadata analyzer, available as package and CLI.

nftgen #

NFT unique image generator and metadata analyzer. It can be used as a Dart library or from the command line.

This package is work in progress. At the moment, it cannot be used with Flutter Web as browser cannot write to the local file system and thus exporting NFTs is not possible.

Generating NFTs follows this procedure:

  1. Generate project-file based on layers directory
  2. Manually: Adjust probabilities in project-file
  3. Generate NFT metadata files
  4. Analyse rarity distribution, backtrace to 2.
  5. Generate NFT images
  6. Manually: Upload NFT images and get a CID
  7. Update all metadata files with CID
  8. Manually: Upload metadata files

Which boils down to these commands:

  1. nftgen init ...
  2. ( ... )
  3. nftgen meta ...
  4. nftgen rarity ...
  5. nftgen nft ...
  6. ( ... )
  7. nftgen cid ...
  8. ( ... )

Quickstart #

nftgen init init --project ./yourProject/ --layers ./yourProject/yourLayers/ --name "Your NFT" --overwrite

nftgen init creates project.json in a project directory of your choice. The command requires a layers directory. The project directory may be the parent directory of the layers directory.

Regarding all commands: The OPTIONAL parameter -p ./yourProject/ specifies the project directory. If not given, the current directory will be used.

dart pub global activate nftgen

nftgen init init -p ./yourProject/ -l ./yourProject/yourLayers/ -n "Your NFT" -o
nftgen meta -p ./yourProject/    
nftgen rarity -p ./yourProject/  
nftgen nft -p ./yourProject/      
nftgen cid -p ./yourProject/ -c yourCID  


Open project.json, re-order the layers and adjust their weights to your liking:

// project.json


  "layerDir": "<Path to your layers>",
  "metaDir": "meta",
  "imageDir": "image",
  "rarityDir": "rarity",
  "rarityNftCsv": "rarity_nft.csv",
  "rarityNftPng": "rarity_nft.png",
  "rarityLayersCsv": "rarity_layers.csv",
  "rarityLayersPng": "rarity_layers.png",

  "name": "Your NFT",
  // How many NFTs to generate.
  // Defaults to 0.6 * all-combinations-equal-weights 
  // to avoid rendering slowing down when reaching
  // all-combinations-equal-weights number. 
  "generateNfts": 250, 
  // Run "nftgen cid -c yourNewCID" to update the metadata files.
  // Do NOT change manually:
  "cidCode": "<-- Your CID code -->", 
  // The order of layer entries matters.
  "layers": [ 
      // Shown in generated metadata JSON.
      "name": "Eyeball",  
      // Your local layer directory.
      "directory": "Eyeball",
      // Probability of layer to be used: 0.0...1.0 
      // Which eqals: 0...100% 
      "probability": 1.0, 
      // Probability of files to be used.
      // Here, sum of all weights is 17.
      "weights": {
        // Probability: 1 / 17
        "Red.png": 1, 
        // Probability: 16 / 17
        "White.png": 16 
    // ( ... more layers ...)



  1. Change the steepness of a layer's weights sequence with the -w parameter: nftgen init -p ./project/ -w 3.0. The larger the NFT collection, the steeper the weights within each layer have to be. Set -w to 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, ....

  2. Set the probability of rare layers in project.json manually to 0.05, 0.1, 0.25 etc.

How to Use #

Library #

Please refer to the API for details, some functions have additonal parameters.

final sep = Platform.pathSeparator;
final project = Directory('project');
// For CONFIG and NFT
final layerDir = Directory('${project.path}${sep}layer');
final imageDir = Directory('${project.path}${sep}image');
final metaDir = Directory('${project.path}${sep}meta');
final csvNft = File('${project.path}${sep}rarity_nft.csv');
final csvLayers = File('${project.path}${sep}rarity_layers.csv');

// Write config JSON based on layers directory

final ProjectModel model =
    Config.generate('Your NFT', layerDir, factorWeights: 3);
final configFile = File('${project.path}${sep}config_gen.json');
Io.writeJson(configFile, model.toJson());

// Generate metadata based on config JSON

Nft.generateMeta(configFile, metaDir);

// Generate NFTs based on config JSON

await Nft.generateNft(configFile, layerDir, imageDir, metaDir);

// Analyze generated NFT metadata and save it

final nftAnalysis = Rarity.nfts(metaDir);
final layersAnalysis = Rarity.layers(metaDir);
Io.writeCsv(nftAnalysis, csvNft);
Io.writeCsv(layersAnalysis, csvLayers);

// Update metadata json with CID code given in config

Config.updateCidMetadata(configFile, metaDir,
    cidSearch: "<-- Your CID Code-->", cidReplace: "NEW-CID");

Command Line #

  • Activate shell command: dart pub global activate nftgen

  • Deactivate shell command: dart pub global deactivate nftgen

Commands accept an OPTIONAL parameter specifying the project-directory. Without it, the current directory will be used:

  • Runs in current directory: nftgen init

  • Runs in ./differentFolder/: nftgen init -p ./differentFolder/

Try nftgen.dart help and nftgen.dart help <COMMAND> for more information.

>dart pub global activate nftgen

> nftgen.dart help  
Generate NFTs

Usage: nftgen <command> [arguments]

Global options:
-h, --help    Print this usage information.

Available commands:
  cid      Updates CID of generated metadata
  init     Initiates a new project
  meta     Generates NFT metadata
  nft      Generates NFT images based on metadata
  rarity   Generates rarity CSV reports

Run "nftgen help <command>" for more information about a command.

References #

The example layers are from Hashlips (MIT livense)

License #


pub points



NFT unique image generator and metadata analyzer, available as package and CLI.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (LICENSE)


args, crypto, image, io, path


Packages that depend on nftgen