network_implementation 0.0.15
network_implementation: ^0.0.15 copied to clipboard
Network Implementation package to handle HTTP requests based on dio package for Flutter.
Getting started #
With null-safety
network_implementation: ^0.0.15
Add the dependency to your project and start using flavorizer_config #
Importing the package #
import 'package:network_implementation/network_implementation.dart';
Usage #
To use this plugin, add flavorizer_config as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file.
Example #
Here are an example that show you how to use this plugin.
main.dart #
final NetworkImplementation _network = NetworkImplementation.instance(
'your base url',
options: Options(
// sendTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 5), // 5 seconds
// receiveTimeout: const Duration(seconds: 5), // 5 seconds
headers: {
'lang': 'en',
'Bearer accessToken',
Future getData() async {
try {
final response = await _network.request(
endpoint: 'getDataEndPoint',
queryParameters: {"param1":"param1"},
// body: {"param1":"param1"},
// headers: {
// 'Accept-Language': "en",
// "Authorization": 'Bearer accessToken'
// }
return response;
} catch (e) {
return e;
Improve #
Help me by reporting bugs, submit new ideas for features or anything else that you want to share.
- Just write an issue on GitHub. ✏️
- And don't forget to hit the like button for this package ✌️
More #
Check out my other useful packages on