netglade_analysis 8.0.0 copy "netglade_analysis: ^8.0.0" to clipboard
netglade_analysis: ^8.0.0 copied to clipboard

Lint rules for Dart and Flutter used internally at netglade.


Developed with 💚 by netglade

ci pub package license: MIT style: netglade analysis Discord

Lint rules for Dart and Flutter used internally at netglade.

You can also check all the available Dart lint rules on linter rules site or supported lint rules site. And you can see all the available on DCM rules site.

Usage #

To use the lints, add as a dev dependency in your pubspec.yaml:

  netglade_analysis: ^7.0.0

Then, add an include in analysis_options.yaml:

include: package:netglade_analysis/lints.yaml

To also use Dart Code Metrics, add configuration in analysis_options.yaml. Then you can use its CLI tool.

    - package:netglade_analysis/dcm.yaml

Recommendations #

Consider adding an analyzer exclude for generated, coverage, ... files.

    - '**/*.g.dart'
    - '**/*.freezed.dart'
    - test/.test_coverage.dart
    - lib/generated_plugin_registrant.dart

Badge #

To indicate your project is using netglade_analysisstyle: netglade analysis

[![style: netglade analysis](](