netflix_appbar 0.0.2 copy "netflix_appbar: ^0.0.2" to clipboard
netflix_appbar: ^0.0.2 copied to clipboard


Netflix AppBar Imitation


Dremar Design


The package will allow you to simulate the Netflix app menu behavior.

The class i created is just a simple imitation, so there can be stack memory problems or graphical performance issues on older devices.


You need page_transition (at least version 1.0.0) and after_layout (at least version 1.0.5) in order to use this package.

After you have imported it, you should create your personalized Stateful or Stateless Widget classes. After you did this, on your main default function you have to create a list of objects and to return the NetflixAppBar instance.


    Let's create a simple list of objects

    //we initialize the list
    List<DrTextTransitionTitleObject> titles = new List();
    //we add a new Widget class, one of them you created
    titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("title", "slug", your_class_name()));
  • NetflixAppBar ARGUMENTS
     NetflixAppBar(List<DrTextTransitionTitleObject> titles, int duration,
          {Widget header,
          double headerHeight = 0,
          Color background = Colors.transparent,
          Color appBarColor,
          int dumping = 100,
          double titlePaddingLeft = 16,
          double titlePaddingRight = 15,
          double titleActiveFontSize = 20,
          double maxOpacity = 0.6,
          double initialOpacity = 0,
          bool pinned = false,
          TextStyle titleStyles = const TextStyle(
            color: Colors.white, fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
          Widget leading,
        Function(ScrollController, String, NetflixAppBar) onScreenChange})
titles List The list of objects you initially created null
duration int The duration (in milliseconds) of your menu animation null
header Widget The AppBar header, it's optional null
headerHeight double The AppBar header height 0
background Color The main color of the Scaffold NetlixToolbar will return Colors.transparent
appBarColor Color The main color of the AppBar Colors.purpleAccent.withOpacity(0.7)
dumping int More the value is bigger more the user has to scroll down before the AppBar disappears 100
titleStyles TextStyle The Style you want to set up to your menu titles const TextStyle( color: Colors.white, fontSize: 16, fontWeight: FontWeight.bold),
titlePaddingLeft double The padding left that should have the titles' row 16
titlePaddingRight double The padding right that should have the titles' row 15
titleActiveFontSize double The font size of the Title Label during a transition 20
leading Widget The leading AppBar Widget null
pinned bool If you want the AppBar always fixed on the top set pinned to true false
initialOpacity double The initial and minimum opacity of the AppBar 0
maxOpacity double The max opacity the AppBar can reach while the user scrolls down. AppBar opacity will reach your value following the dumping value you set 0.6
onScreenChange Function(ScrollController, String, NetflixToolbar) A function that will allow you to get the control of the current screen null


    List<DrTextTransitionTitleObject> titles = new List();

    titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("Movies", "movies", Movies()));
    titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("Tv Series", "tv", Tv()));
    titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("About Me", "about", AboutUs()));

    int milliseconds = 700;

    TextStyle titleStyles = const TextStyle(
        fontFamily: "Dr1",
        color: Colors.white,
        fontSize: 18,
        fontWeight: FontWeight.bold);

    instance = NetflixAppBar(
      initialOpacity: 0.3,
      maxOpacity: 1,
      dumping: 100,
      titleStyles: titleStyles,
      titleActiveFontSize: 21,
          (ScrollController controller, String slug, NetflixAppBar instance) {
        print("Controller received correctly \n We are on $slug screen");
        this.currentSlug = slug;
        this.instance = NetflixAppBar.getInstance();
        var newTitles = this.instance.titles;


    return instance;


after the first screen transition the class that wraps NetflixAppBar instance will be disposed, so be careful.


  • getInstance()

    NetflixAppBar.getInstance() will return the current NetflixAppBar instance. So you can get info about current titles, attributes, and so on

  • notify()

    NetflixAppBar.notify() will allow you to update graphical elements on the current displayed screen

  • goBack()

    NetflixAppBar.goBack() will allow you to return to the previous screen

  • DrTextTransitionTitleObject ARGUMENTS
    DrTextTransitionTitleObject(String name, String heroTag, Widget function,
          {List<DrTextTransitionTitleObject> newTitles,
          bool personalized = false,
          Widget overrideWidget,
          Function overrideAction,
          TextStyle primaryStyle,
          Widget header,
          double headerHeight,
          double paddingLeft = 0})
name String The title value null
heroTag String This is the label slug, it allows to the app to use it as an Hero Widget tag for the animations null
function Widget This is the Widget you want to show up when a user clicks on the label. If you set an overrideAction function then you can set the function property to null null
newTitles List The list of titles you want to show up when you click on that specific title null
personalized bool If you set personalized to true it means you want to create a your own Widget for that title on the AppBar. The default widget is an Animated Text View false
overrideWidget Widget If personalized is true you must specify an overrideWidget. It is the Widget Flutter will show for that title on the AppBar null
overrideAction Function It is helpful when you want to trigger a personalized function when a user clicks on that title on the menu null
primaryStyle TextStyle The style you want to give to the default TextView widget that shows the title name on the AppBar null
paddingLeft double The padding left you want to give to the default TextView widget that shows the title name on the AppBar 0
header Widget When a user clicks on the title and you don't set an overrideAction this is the new widget will appear on the top of the AppBar null
headerHeight double The header widget height null


    List<DrTextTransitionTitleObject> titles = new List();
    List<DrTextTransitionTitleObject> tvTitles = new List();

    var movies = new Movies();
    var tv = new Tv();

    titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("Movies", "movies", movies,
        header: switchHeader("movies")));
    titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("Tv Series", "tv", tv,
        newTitles: tvTitles, header: switchHeader("movies")));
    titles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("About Me", "about", AboutUs()));

    tvTitles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("Tv Series", "tv", tv,
        newTitles: titles,
        header: switchHeader("tv"),
        personalized: true,
        overrideWidget: Icon(
          color: Colors.white,
          size: 32,
    tvTitles.add(new DrTextTransitionTitleObject("Movies", "movies", movies,
        newTitles: titles, paddingLeft: 35));


CLICK HERE to see a web example #


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