net_kit 3.5.1 copy "net_kit: ^3.5.1" to clipboard
net_kit: ^3.5.1 copied to clipboard

Netkit is a library that provides a set of tools to work with network requests.


import 'package:net_kit/net_kit.dart';

import 'core/logger/network_logger.dart';
import 'models/todo_model.dart';

/// A very basic example of how to use the NetKit package.
void main() {
  /// Create a new instance of the NetKitManager class.
  /// The base URL is set to ''.
  final netKitManager = NetKitManager(
    baseUrl: '',

  const logger = NetworkLogger();

  /// This is an example of how to use the TodoRemoteDataSource class.
  TodoRemoteDataSourceImpl(netKitManager: netKitManager, logger: logger)
    ..createTodo(TodoModel(id: 1, title: 'Test', userId: 1, completed: false))

/// The abstract class for the TodoRemoteDataSource
/// It contains methods to interact with the todoModel
/// Note: The return type of the methods
/// is void only for demonstration purposes.
abstract class TodoRemoteDataSource {
  Future<void> deleteTodoById(int id);

  Future<void> getTodoList();

  Future<void> getTodo(int id);

  Future<void> createTodo(TodoModel todo);

/// Note: Make sure you inject the dependencies so that the class is testable
class TodoRemoteDataSourceImpl extends TodoRemoteDataSource {
  /// The constructor for the TodoRemoteDataSource class
  /// It takes in the following parameters:
  /// `netKitManager` and `logger` to be injected
  /// The `netKitManager` is used to make network requests
  /// The `logger` is used to logging.
  /// Note: It is not necessary to use the logger.
  /// It is used for demonstration purposes.
    required INetKitManager netKitManager,
    required INetKitLogger logger,
  })  : _netKitManager = netKitManager,
        _logger = logger;

  /// The instance of the NetKitManager class
  /// which is used to make network requests.
  final INetKitManager _netKitManager;

  /// The logger is used to log messages. It is not necessary to use the logger.
  /// It is used for demonstration purposes.
  final INetKitLogger _logger;

  Future<void> deleteTodoById(int id) async {
    try {
      await _netKitManager.requestVoid(
        path: '/todos/$id',
        method: RequestMethod.delete,

      /// Handle the success case.
      /// As an example, log the success message
      /// or return as a String message.
      _logger.debug('Todo deleted successfully');
    } on ApiException catch (e) {
      /// Handle the error from backend which is thrown as ApiException.
      /// As an example, error message is printed.

  Future<void> getTodo(int id) async {
    try {
      final todo = await _netKitManager.requestModel(
        path: '/todos/$id',
        method: RequestMethod.get,
        model: TodoModel(),

      /// Handle the success case.
      /// As an example, log the success message
      /// or return the [`TodoModel`].
    } on ApiException catch (e) {
      /// Handle the error from backend which is thrown as ApiException.
      /// As an example, error message is printed.

  Future<void> getTodoList() async {
    try {
      final todos = await _netKitManager.requestList(
        path: '/todos',
        method: RequestMethod.get,
        model: TodoModel(),

      /// Handle the success case.
      /// As an example, log the success message
      /// or return the list as [`List<TodoModel>`].'Todos length: ${todos.length}');
    } on ApiException catch (e) {
      /// Handle the error from backend which is thrown as ApiException.
      /// As an example, error message is printed.

  Future<void> createTodo(TodoModel todo) async {
    try {
      final createdTodo = await _netKitManager.requestModel(
        path: '/todos',
        model: TodoModel(),
        body: todo.toJson(),

      /// Handle the success case.
      /// As an example, log the success message
      /// or return the created [`TodoModel`].
      _logger.debug('Created Todo: $createdTodo');
    } on ApiException catch (e) {
      /// Handle the error from backend which is thrown as ApiException.
      /// As an example, error message is printed.



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Netkit is a library that provides a set of tools to work with network requests.

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#network #network-manager #remote-data #dio


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