neon_circular_timer 0.0.3 copy "neon_circular_timer: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
neon_circular_timer: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard


A package that helps you to build a timer quickly with a beautiful UI, it's highly customizable you can change the color,the thickness of the timer,the clock text style.

neon_circular_timer #

If you need to make a timer application with a fancy neon effect then this package is for you

Usage #

                width: 200,
                duration: 10,
                strokeWidth: 10,
                outerStrokeColor: Colors.grey.shade100,
                fillGradient: LinearGradient(colors: [
                neonGradient: LinearGradient(colors: [
                strokeCap: StrokeCap.round ),

Parameters #

Name Type Default Value Description
key Key null Key for Countdown Timer.
duration int null Countdown duration in Seconds.
initialDuration int 0 Countdown initial elapsed Duration in Seconds.
controller CountDownController null Controls (i.e Start, Pause, Resume, Restart) the Countdown Timer.
width double null Width of the rectangle that surrounds the circle ( Diameter of the Countdown Timer).
neonColor Color null neon Color for Countdown Widget.
neonGradient Gradient null neon Gradient for Countdown Widget. Note that ringColor will not be effective if gradient is provided.
fillColor Color null Filling Color for Countdown Widget.
fillGradient Gradient null Filling Gradient for Countdown Widget. Note that fillColor will not be effective if gradient is provided.
outerStrokeColor Color null border Color for Countdown Widget.
outerStrokeGradient Gradient null border Gradient for Countdown Widget. Note that backgroundColor will not be effective if gradient is provided.
strokeWidth double 5.0 Border Thickness of the Countdown Ring.
strokeCap StrokeCap StrokeCap.butt Begin and end contours with a flat edge and no extension.
textStyle TextStyle TextStyle(fontSize: 16.0,color:,) Text Style for Countdown Text.
textFormat String null Format for the Countdown Text.
isReverse bool false Handles Countdown Timer (true for Reverse Countdown (max to 0), false for Forward Countdown (0 to max)).
isReverseAnimation bool false Handles Animation Direction (true for Reverse Animation, false for Forward Animation).
isTimerTextShown bool true Handles visibility of the Countdown Text.
autoStart bool true Handles the timer start.
onStart VoidCallback null This Callback will execute when the Countdown Starts.
onComplete VoidCallback null This Callback will execute when the Countdown Ends.

Preview #




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A package that helps you to build a timer quickly with a beautiful UI, it's highly customizable you can change the color,the thickness of the timer,the clock text style.

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