ndialog 4.2.0 copy "ndialog: ^4.2.0" to clipboard
ndialog: ^4.2.0 copied to clipboard

Custom native dialog style with blur background, popup animation and ProgressDialog.

[4.2.0] - 2 Oct 2022 #

  • Adaptive loading indicator on CustomProgressDialog
  • Fix theme on progress dialog's buttons
  • Update example
  • Update readme

[4.1.1+1] - 5 Jun 2022 #

  • Solve pub.dev scoring

[4.1.1] - 25 Apr 2021 #

  • Update deprecated and
  • Solve pub.dev scoring

[4.1.0] - 25 Apr 2021 #

  • Add showCustomProgressDialog and showProgressDialog (E.g Future.delayed(Duration(seconds:3)).showCustomProgressDialog(context))
  • Add isShowed to check if Progress Dialogs is showed #5
  • Fix ProgressDialog future's Type

[4.0.1] - 18 March 2021 #

  • Fix SkDeletable bugs

[4.0.0+1] - 16 March 2021 #

  • Fix readme ndialog version

[4.0.0] - 16 March 2021 #

  • Migrate to nullsafety with stable version

[3.5.0-nullsafety.1] - 5 March 2021 #

  • Migrate to nullsafety
  • Fix some function and animation bugs
  • Fix Bugs

[3.3.2] - 25 Feb 2021 #

  • Add default transition duration, to make it much-much smooth and flexible
  • Fix Transparent barrier when its color is Null
  • Fix pop delay when dialog's transition is null

[3.3.1] - 24 Feb 2021 #

  • Fix ProgressDialog and CustomDialog dismiss after future complete
  • Fix Bugs

[3.3.0] - 22 Feb 2021 #

  • Add new customize Transition (Extensions supported too)
  • Show dialog with native call
  • Fix Bugs

[3.2.1] - 27 Dec 2020 #

  • Fix ZoomDialog's bugs
  • Fix Stack's "overflow removed"

[3.2.0] - 26 Dec 2020 #

  • ZoomDialog, a dialog... but you can zoom on it
  • Fix some typos on description

[3.1.0] - 8 Oct 2020 #

  • Dialog extensions, simply show dialog with Flutter's built-in dialogs
  • Remove 3rd party plugins

[3.0.0] - 25 Sept 2020 #

  • Update pubspec.yaml
  • Add background color dialog
  • No radius on action buttons
  • BlurDialogBackground is depreceted, use DialogBackground instead
  • Rewrite readme.md
  • Optimize codes
  • Fix bug

[2.1.2] - 30 July 2020 #

  • Add CustomProgressDialog
  • Optimize codes
  • Fix the version changelog

[2.1.1+7] - 27 July 2020 #

  • Show NAlertDialog and NDialog much easier
  • Optimize the codes!

[2.1.0+6] - 19 May 2020 #

  • Fix AnimatedPopup

[2.1.0+5] - 19 May 2020 #

  • Fix something

[2.1.0+4] - 19 May 2020 #

  • I hope it work now (just publishing issues).

[2.1.0+3] - 19 May 2020 #

  • Another touch

[2.1.0+2] - 19 May 2020 #

  • Little touch here an there

[2.1.0+1] - 19 May 2020 #

  • You can popup the dialog without bouncing animation, simply use animatePopup : false
  • progressDialog widget changed to LoadingWidget
  • You can change LoadingWidget simply like you change Title and Message

[2.0.2+1] - 30 Oct 2019 #

  • Fix double blur issues
  • Set 0 as default value of blur

[2.0.2] - 10 Oct 2019 #

  • Fix set blur on progressdialog

[2.0.1] - 10 Oct 2019 #

  • Fix Return value from ProgressDialog.future

[2.0.0] - 09 Oct 2019 #

  • You can blur any dialog background using BlurDialogBackground.
  • separate the NDialog class into 2, NDialog and NAlertDialog.
  • Fix bugs when the screen gets smaller (for example when the keyboard appears)

[1.2.1+3] - 07 Oct 2019 #

  • Fix ProgressDialog bug and layouting

[1.2.1+2] - 07 Oct 2019 #

  • Fix Bug (Health issues still there -_-)

[1.2.1+1] - 07 Oct 2019 #

  • Fix Bug (Health issues)

[1.2.1] - 07 Oct 2019 #

  • Fix ProgressDialog bug and layouting

[1.2.0] - 07 Oct 2019 #

  • Add ProgressDialog
  • Add ProgressDialog with Future
  • Set your dialog look with DialogStyle

[1.1.0] - 03 Oct 2019 #

  • Fix overflow actions

[1.0.0] - 02 Oct 2019 #

  • First release.
pub points


verified publishernizwar.dev

Custom native dialog style with blur background, popup animation and ProgressDialog.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)




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