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Flutter-Naver Login SDK. Naver is a leading web service in South Korea.

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NaverLoginSDK #

Flutter-Naver Login SDK

Naver is a leading web service in South Korea. Since almost every citizen uses it, incorporating Naver Login would be an excellent choice if you're targeting South Korean users. It supports only iOS and Android OS. Please follow the guidelines below for setup. If you like ❤ this project, it will motivate us to provide more services in the future.

Getting Started #

This project is a starting point for a Flutter plug-in package, a specialized package that includes platform-specific implementation code for Android and/or iOS.

For help getting started with Flutter development, view the online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

Install #

Please refer to this for installation instructions.

flutter pub add naver_login_sdk

Common #

First, visit the Naver Developer Center. Click on the Application > My Applications > Register Application button at the top of the page. Select your application and find the Client ID and Client Secret in the "Overview" section. You will need these later for registration in your Flutter project.

Next, click on the API Settings tab and add environments under the "Login Open API Service Environment" section. Add both iOS and Android. For iOS, you must include a URL Scheme.
(Snake or camel case is recommended. If unfamiliar, lowercase text will suffice) For the Download URL, you can enter anything if there is no specific website.
iOS URL Scheme img

iOS #

9.0 🔼 Xcode 9.0 🔼

Refer to the iOS Development Guide for better understanding.

Add the following code to the Info.plist file of your iOS project.
The [URL Scheme] value should match the URL Scheme you added earlier.


    <!--Url Scheme Setting-->
                <string>[URL Scheme]</string>
    <!--Query Scheme Setting-->

    <!--Always IPhone Device(Not used MAC)-->

If you are using the overridden function func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options:...) in your AppDelegate,
you can check the URL Scheme or return it as follows.

If there are no special conditions, simply return with super.application(...) without checking the URL Scheme.


    override func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {        
        if url.scheme == "[URL Scheme]" {
            return super.application(app, open: url, options: options)

        return true

Android #

Target SDK JDK
API 21 🔼 11 🔼

Refer to the Android Development Guide for better understanding.
For Android, no additional settings are required. Isn't that great?

If you are using, please configure it as follows.

-keep public class** {
public protected *;
-keep public class com.navercorp.nid.** {
public *;

Usage #


import 'package:naver_login_sdk/naver_login_sdk.dart';

To use the NaverLoginSDK package, you must first run the initialize() function in the main() function as follows. The urlScheme parameter should be entered if developing for iOS.

void main() async {
    urlScheme: urlScheme, 
    clientId: clientId, 
    clientSecret: clientSecret,
    clientName: clientName

  runApp(const MyApp());

Login #

Congratulations 🎉! You are now at the stage where you can execute 'Login.' Use the authenticate() function to log in, and the OAuthLoginCallback listener to check whether the login was successful.

NaverLoginSDK.authenticate(callback: OAuthLoginCallback(
  onSuccess: () {
  onFailure: (httpStatus, message) {
    Log.w("onFailure.. httpStatus:$httpStatus, message:$message");
  onError: (errorCode, message) {
    Log.e("onError.. errorCode:$errorCode, message:$message");

Logout #

You should also know how to 'logout' after logging in. There are two ways to do so:

  1. The logout() function only deletes the token stored on the client side. This means the information is reset only on the current smartphone.
  2. The release() function deletes tokens on both the client and server sides, resetting everything.

The logout() function does not have a callback listener, but the release() function can use the OAuthLoginCallback listener.

// logout

// release
NaverLoginSDK.release(callback: OAuthLoginCallback(
  onError: (errorCode, message) {
    Log.e("onError.. errorCode:$errorCode, message:$message");
  onFailure: (httpStatus, message) {
    Log.w("onFailure.. httpStatus:$httpStatus, message:$message");
  onSuccess: () {

Profile #

To retrieve the user's information after logging in, use the profile() function.
User information is delivered via the ProfileCallback listener, and you can use the NaverLoginProfile data model class to obtain the details.
Use NaverLoginProfile.fromJson(response:) to automatically parse and utilize user data.

NaverLoginSDK.profile(callback: ProfileCallback(
  onError: (errorCode, message) {
    Log.e("onError.. message:$message");
  onFailure: (httpStatus, message) {
    Log.w("onFailure.. httpsStatus:$httpStatus, message:$message");
  onSuccess: (resultCode, message, response) {
    Log.i("onSuccess.. resultCode:$resultCode, message:$message, profile:$response");
    final profile = NaverLoginProfile.fromJson(response: response);

Functions #

Name Feature Listener
initialize API Settings
authenticate Login OAuthLoginCallback
refresh Token Refresh OAuthLoginCallback
logout Logout
release Unlink Account OAuthLoginCallback
profile User Information ProfileCallback
getVersion Library Version Info
getTokenType Token Type Info
getExpireAt Token Expiry Time
getAccessToken Access Token Info
getRefreshToken Refresh Token Info

About #

Thank you for using the NaverLoginSDK package.
I was genuinely happy while making this. Lastly, I will leave a few links to my humble activities.






Weekly Downloads

Flutter-Naver Login SDK. Naver is a leading web service in South Korea.

Repository (GitHub)
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unknown (license)


flutter, flutter_logcat, plugin_platform_interface


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