national_assembly_france_hemicycle 0.9.1
national_assembly_france_hemicycle: ^0.9.1 copied to clipboard
Draw a French National Assembly. Depends on hemicycle Flutter package.
0.9.1 #
- Update on JSON parsing when AN open data has errors :-/ For instance, number of voters ≠ number of votes described.
0.9.0 #
Tapping on the "Adopted"/"Rejected" container displays the name of the voters that didn't follow their group's majority vote..
Possibility to force refresh of the AN Open data before 3-hour delay is elapsed.
6-hour to 3-hour delay before AN Open data is refreshed.
0.8.1 #
- Graphic enhancements for Individual Votes : second arc for SuperGroup.
0.7.2 #
- Changed sort order for Amendments :
(rectified amendments) is no longer an issue when sorting.
0.7.1 #
Updated example.dart
Changed sort order for Amendments : Assembly first, then Commissions
0.7.0 #
- Download the whole JSON files from National Assembly Open Data to process :
Directory? _appSupportDirectory = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
destinationDirectory: _appSupportDirectory);
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In case the URL is changed for any reason, you can specify it...
Directory? _appSupportDirectory = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
destinationDirectory: _appSupportDirectory);
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- Process
from downloaded files :
Directory? _appSupportDirectory = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
List<DossierLegislatifFromJson> _listProcessed = getListOfDossiersLegislatifs(
mainDirectory: _appSupportDirectory);
copied to clipboard
- Process
from downloaded files :
Directory? _appSupportDirectory = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
List<ProjetLoiFromJson> _listProcessed = getListOfProjetsLois(
mainDirectory: _appSupportDirectory);
copied to clipboard
- Process
from downloaded files :
Directory? _appSupportDirectory = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
List<AmendementFromJson> _listProcessed = getListOfAmendements(
mainDirectory: _appSupportDirectory);
copied to clipboard
- Process
from downloaded files :
Directory? _appSupportDirectory = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
List<ScrutinFromJson> _listProcessed = getListOfVotes(
mainDirectory: _appSupportDirectory);
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- Ability to display an Hemicycle directly from
Directory? _appSupportDirectory = await getApplicationSupportDirectory();
List<ScrutinFromJson> allVotes = getListOfVotes(mainDirectory: _appSupportDirectory);
for (ScrutinFromJson vote in allVotes)
OpenAssembleeVoteDisplayer().drawVoteHemicycleFromAppSupport(vote: vote);
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0.6.0 #
- Ability to display a user-selected String as a Title
- Choice between divider before of after :
needs to be replaced bywithDividerBefore
. You can also usewithDividerAfter
remotePath: "your/remote/path/to/file.json",
initialComment: "Title to display",
withDividerBefore: false,
withDividerAfter: true,
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0.5.3 #
- Updating informations and comments for scoring...
- Correction on discordant voters appearance
- Correction in dependency link with Hemicycle package
0.5.0 #
- Enable the highlighting for discordant voters in a Group in Individual Votes mode (i.e. for Vote-For-only votes, the non-voters in a group are interesting to highlight)
0.4.8 #
- Graphic enhancements for Individual Votes and surrounding arc
0.4.2 #
- Implementation of remote files :
is deprecated and replaced bydrawVoteHemicycleFromPath
@Deprecated('Use drawVoteHemicycleFromPath instead')
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0.3.7 #
- Changed the waiting pattern during building.
- Updated the surrounding color arc display.
0.3.4 #
- Changes to publish for score optimization.
0.3.1 #
- First commits...