nanodart 2.0.0 nanodart: ^2.0.0 copied to clipboard
Tools for the NANO and BANANO cryptocurrencies including key generation, signing, encryption, and more.
import 'dart:typed_data';
import 'package:nanodart/nanodart.dart';
main() {
// Generating a random seed
String seed = NanoSeeds.generateSeed();
// Getting private key at index-0 of this seed
String privateKey = NanoKeys.seedToPrivate(seed, 0);
// Getting public key from this private key
String pubKey = NanoKeys.createPublicKey(privateKey);
// Getting address (nano_, ban_) from this pubkey
String address = NanoAccounts.createAccount(NanoAccountType.NANO, pubKey);
// Validating address
NanoAccounts.isValid(NanoAccountType.NANO, address);
// Creating a block
int accountType = NanoAccountType.NANO;
String account = 'xrb_3igf8hd4sjshoibbbkeitmgkp1o6ug4xads43j6e4gqkj5xk5o83j8ja9php';
String previous = '0';
String representative = 'xrb_3p1asma84n8k84joneka776q4egm5wwru3suho9wjsfyuem8j95b3c78nw8j';
BigInt balance = BigInt.parse('1');
String link = '1EF0AD02257987B48030CC8D38511D3B2511672F33AF115AD09E18A86A8355A8';
String calculatedHash = NanoBlocks.computeStateHash(accountType, account, previous, representative, balance, link);
// Signing a block
NanoSignatures.signBlock(calculatedHash, privateKey);
// Encrypting and decrypting a seed
Uint8List encrypted = NanoCrypt.encrypt(seed, 'thisisastrongpassword');
// String representation:
String encryptedSeedHex = NanoHelpers.byteToHex(encrypted);
// Decrypting (if incorrect password, will throw an exception)
Uint8List decrypted = NanoCrypt.decrypt(NanoHelpers.hexToBytes(encryptedSeedHex), 'thisisastrongpassword');