nameof 0.2.1 copy "nameof: ^0.2.1" to clipboard
nameof: ^0.2.1 copied to clipboard

Generator for Dart class member's names, such as fields, properties, methods, constructors

Motivation #

Sometimes there is a need to access the names of programming language entities, such as methods, properties, constructors, etc. Unfortunately, Flutter does not have a reflection mechanism designed for this purpose. But there is code generation! It is all you need for access to names of code entities with this package.

Index #

How to use #

Install #

To use Nameof, you will need your typical build_runner code-generator setup.
First, install build_runner and Nameof by adding them to your pubspec.yaml file:

If you are using creating a Flutter project:

$ flutter pub add nameof_annotation
$ flutter pub add --dev build_runner
$ flutter pub add --dev nameof

If you are using creating a Dart project:

$ dart pub add nameof_annotation
$ dart pub add --dev build_runner
$ dart pub add --dev nameof

This installs three packages:

Run the generator #

To run the code generator, execute the following command:

dart run build_runner build

For Flutter projects, you can also run:

flutter pub run build_runner build

Note that like most code-generators, nameof will need you to both import the annotation (nameof_annotation) and use the part keyword on the top of your files.

As such, a file that wants to use nameof will start with:

import 'package:nameof_annotation/nameof_annotation.dart';

part 'my_file.nameof.dart';

Using Nameof #

Simple usage #

For example we have a class Car. For names generation of this class you need to tell generator some instructions with nameof annotation:

class Car {
  final double price;
  final double weigth;

  final int year;
  final String model;

  Car(this.price, this.weigth, this.year, this.model);

  Car.sedan(double price, double weigth, int year)
      : this(price, weigth, year, 'Sedan');

Then you need to run generator Run the generator

It will generate next code:

/// Container for names of elements belonging to the [Car] class
abstract class NameofCar {
  static const String className = 'Car';

  static const String constructor = '';
  static const String constructorSedan = 'sedan';

  static const String fieldPrice = 'price';
  static const String fieldWeigth = 'weigth';
  static const String fieldYear = 'year';
  static const String fieldModel = 'model';

Then use it in your code:


It is simple!

Also you may to use nameof annotation for abstract classes and mixins.

Models coverage #

You can have very precision setting of coverage of model's members with use coverage settings and @NameofIgnore annotation. For example two next configurations will lead to one output.

  • First configuration:
@Nameof(coverage: Coverage.excludeImplicit)
class Itinerary {
  final double longStart;
  final double latStart;

  final double longEnd;
  final double latEnd;

  final String name;

  final double length;

  Itinerary(this.longStart, this.latStart, this.longEnd, this.latEnd,,
  • Second configuration:
@Nameof(coverage: Coverage.includeImplicit)
class Itinerary {
  final double longStart;
  final double latStart;

  final double longEnd;
  final double latEnd;

  final String name;
  final double length;

  Itinerary(this.longStart, this.latStart, this.longEnd, this.latEnd,,


/// Container for names of elements belonging to the [Itinerary] class
abstract class NameofItinerary {
  static const String className = 'Itinerary';

  static const String fieldName = 'name';
  static const String fieldLength = 'length';

Take an attention for coverage setting, @nameofKey and @nameofIgnore annotations. If you do not set coverage, generator will use includeImplicit setting by default.

Override names #

If you want override name of element you can do it! Code:

class Ephemeral {
  @NameofKey(name: 'AbRaCadabra')
  String get flushLight => 'Purple';

Generator output:

/// Container for names of elements belonging to the [Ephemeral] class
abstract class NameofEphemeral {
  static const String className = 'Ephemeral';

  static const String constructor = '';

  static const String propertyGetFlushLight = 'AbRaCadabra';

As can you see property was renamed. Output has AbRaCadabra not flushLight.

NameofKey targets #

@NameofKey annotatition applyed for public fields, methods, properties and constructors.

Configurations #

Nameof offers various options to customize the generated code. For example, you may want to change coverage behaviour of model.

To do so, there are two possibilities:

Changing the behavior for a specific model #

If you want to customize the generated code for only one specific class, you can do so by using annotation setting:

@Nameof(coverage: Coverage.excludeImplicit)
class Empoyee {...}

Changing the behavior for the entire project #

Instead of applying your modification to a single class, you may want to apply it to all Nameof models at the same time.

You can do so by customizing a file called build.yaml
This file is an optional configuration file that should be placed next to your pubspec.yaml:


There, you will be able to change the same options as the options found in @Nameof (see above) by writing:

          coverage: includeImplicit

Two settings for coverage is available: includeImplicit (default) and excludeImplicit



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Generator for Dart class member's names, such as fields, properties, methods, constructors

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analyzer, build, build_config, nameof_annotation, source_gen


Packages that depend on nameof