nadarchitecture 0.0.3 nadarchitecture: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard
You can create a clean structure and benefit from its features
A Flutter package that implements the Clean Architecture by Yusuf Nadaroglu in Flutter.
What It does? #
- ✅ Creates a common folder to handle common controllers and models
- ✅ Creates a core folder to handle exceptions, constants, services, useCases
- ✅ Creates a utils folder to handle extensions and helpers
- ✅ Creates a views folder to handle pages and widgets
How to use? #
Add Nadarchitecture to your pubspec.yaml in dev_dependencies: section.
nadarchitecture: ^0.0.2
Update dependencies
flutter pub get
Run this command to create folder structure
flutter pub run nadarchitecture:main
Which Packages Implemented? #
- ✅ get (Open screens/snackbars/dialogs without context, manage states and inject dependencies easily)
- ✅ get_it (Simple direct Service Locator that allows to decouple the interface)
- ✅ get_storage (A fast, extra light and synchronous key-value storage written entirely in Dart)
- ✅ flutter_svg (An SVG rendering and widget library for Flutter)
- ✅ http (A composable, multi-platform, Future-based API for HTTP requests)
- ✅ connectivity_plus (Flutter plugin for discovering the state of the network connectivity)
- ✅ internet_connection_checker (A pure Dart library that checks for internet by opening a socket to a list of specified addresses, each with individual port and timeout)
- ✅ json_annotation (Classes and helper functions that support JSON code generation)
- ✅ build_runner (A build system for Dart code generation and modular compilation)
- ✅ json_serializable (Automatically generate code for converting to and from JSON by annotating Dart classes)
Folder Structure #
|-- common
| |-- controllers
| | -- user_controller.dart
'-- models
| |-- data_model.dart
| |-- token_model.dart
| |-- token_model.g.dart
| |-- user_model.dart
| '-- user_model.g.dart
|-- core
| |-- base
| | |-- base_exception.dart
| | '-- base_model.dart
| |-- constants
| | |-- app.dart
| | |-- colors.dart
| | |-- end_points.dart
| | |-- enums
| | | |-- app_theme_enums.dart
| | | |-- http_type_enums.dart
| | | '-- network_result_enums.dart
| | |-- icons.dart
| | |-- images.dart
| | |-- local_consts.dart
| | |-- routes.dart
| | '-- themes.dart
| |-- init
| | |-- bindings
| | | '-- initial_bindings.dart
| | |-- controller
| | | '-- my_app_controller.dart
| | |-- exceptions
| | '-- http_exceptions.dart
| | |-- main
| | | '-- init_main.dart
| | '-- services
| | |-- get_it_service.dart
| | |-- local_service.dart
| | |-- network_service.dart
| | |-- route_service.dart
| | '-- theme_service.dart
| '-- useCases
| '-- checkNetwork
| |-- controller
| | '-- network_cache_controller.dart
| |-- services
| | |-- connectivity_service.dart
| | |-- internet_connection_checker_service.dart
| | '-- network_cache_service.dart
| '-- view
| '-- no_network.dart
|-- main.dart
|-- utils
| |-- extensions
| | |-- color_extension.dart
| | '-- page_padding.dart
| '-- helpers
| |-- get_snackbars.dart
| |-- screen_up_down.dart
| |-- sized_boxes.dart
| '-- text_styles.dart
'-- views
|-- pages
| |-- auth
| | |-- register
| | | |-- binding
| | | | '-- register_binding.dart
| | | |-- controller
| | | | '-- register_controller.dart
| | | |-- model
| | | | |-- register_model.dart
| | | | '-- register_model.g.dart
| | | '-- view
| | | '-- register.dart
| | '-- splash
| | |-- binding
| | | '-- splash_binding.dart
| | |-- controller
| | | '-- splash_controller.dart
| | '-- view
| | '-- splash.dart
| |-- bottomBar
| | |-- binding
| | | '-- bottom_navigation_bar_binding.dart
| | |-- consts
| | | '-- bottom_bar_consts.dart
| | |-- controller
| | | |-- bottom_navigation_bar_controller.dart
| | | '-- page_showed_controller.dart
| | |-- enums
| | | '-- bottom_bar_enums.dart
| | |-- view
| | | '-- bottom_bar.dart
| | '-- widgets
| | '-- page_showed.dart
| |-- home
| | '-- view
| | |-- home_detail.dart
| | '-- home_page.dart
| '-- profile
| |-- binding
| | '-- profile_binding.dart
| |-- controller
| | '-- profile_controller.dart
| '-- view
| '-- profile.dart
'-- widgets
|-- auth
| '-- have_an_account.dart
'-- custom
|-- custom_back_button.dart
|-- custom_button.dart
|-- custom_input.dart
'-- custom_loading.dart