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An unofficial Flutter plugin that enables the integration of the MyPay Payment Gateway into applications, allowing users to make payments using their MyPay Wallet.

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Pub Version License: MIT

Introducing an unofficial Flutter plugin designed for seamless integration with the MyPay Payment Gateway. This plugin empowers you to effortlessly incorporate the MyPay Payment Gateway into your Flutter application, enabling you to receive payments from your valued customers. Whether you're developing an eCommerce platform or any other application that necessitates secure transactions, this plugin simplifies and streamlines the integration process, ensuring a hassle-free experience.

Cover Image

Note #

This package does not rely on any plugins or native APIs for payment initialization. Instead, it leverages the Flutter InAppWebView package. A special mention and appreciation to the developer of the InAppWebView package for offering this valuable resource.

Features #

  • Seamless integration
  • Simplified setup
  • Pure Dart implementation
  • User-friendly interface

Requirements #

  • Android: minSdkVersion 19 and add support for androidx (see AndroidX Migration)
  • iOS: --ios-language swift, Xcode version >= 11

Setup #

iOS #

No Configuration Needed

For more info, see here

Android #

Set minSdkVersion of your android/app/build.gradle file to at least 17.

For more info, see here

Usage #

  1. Add mypay_flutter as a dependency in your pubspec.yaml file:
  mypay_flutter: ^1.0.0
  1. Import the package in your Dart code:

import 'package:mypay_flutter/mypay_flutter.dart';

  1. Create an instance of MyPayConfig with your payment information:

The MyPayConfig class holds the configuration details for the payment gateway. Pass an instance of MyPayConfig to the payment() method of the MyPay class to initiate the payment process.

final config = MyPayConfig(
        amount: 2000,
        orderId: QWE-SEW-SFES-QXZS,
        merchantId: CAFEQ,
        password: decryptedPassword,
        returnUrl: "");

  1. Initialize the payment by calling MyPay.payment() method:
        config: config,
        apiKey: APIKEY123,
        onSuccess: (MyPaySuccessResult successResponse) {},
        onFailure: (MyPayFailureResult failureResponse) {},
        onCancel: () {},

  1. Check the payment result:

Once the payment is finalized, the plugin payment function provides either an instance of MyPaySuccessResult or MyPayFailureResult based on the outcome. In the event of a successful payment, the onSuccess parameter is triggered, allowing the user to execute desired actions. If the user cancels the payment, the onCancel parameter is triggered, providing an opportunity to take appropriate actions. Similarly, if the payment fails, the onFailure parameter is triggered, enabling the user to handle the situation accordingly.

        config: config,
        apiKey: APIKEY123,
        onSuccess: (MyPaySuccessResult successResponse) {
           // Perform Server Verification
        onFailure: (MyPayFailureResult failureResponse) {
           // What to do on failure?
        onCancel: () {
           // User manually cancelled the transaction

Dev/Live Mode #

MyPayConfig supports both dev and live mode. For live mode, use the value in environment parameter in MyPayConfig, and for dev mode, use the value in environment parameter in MyPayConfig. Here's an example of using the dev mode:

final config = MyPayConfig(
        amount: 2000,
        orderId: QWE-SEW-SFES-QXZS,
        merchantId: CAFEQ,
        password: decryptedPassword,
        returnUrl: "");


Class: MyPayConfig #

The MyPayConfig class is used to configure the MyPay payment gateway.

  • used for live mode configuration. It requires amount, environment, userName, password, merchantId, orderId, apiKey, and returnUrl parameters.

Properties #

  • amount (required): This is the Transaction amount Of the Order which will be debited at the time of Payment.
  • environment (required): This is for setting live or development environment.
  • userName (required): This is the Merchant UserName provided by MyPay Admin.
  • password (required): This is the Merchant API Password provided by MyPay Admin.
  • merchantId (required): This is the Unique Merchant Id provided by MyPay Admin.
  • orderId (required): This is Order Id of Merchant which will be in numeric string format minimum length is greater than equal to 6 chars.
  • apiKey (required): This is api key provided my MyPay.
  • returnUrl (required): URL of merchant where Transaction Response is expected to be post by MyPay.

Class: MyPaySuccessResult #

Class representing the success result of a payment transaction.

Class: MyPayFailureResult #

Class representing the failure result of a payment transaction.

Class: MyPay #

Class providing the main interface for the MyPay payment integration.

Methods #

  • payment(BuildContext context, {required config, required apiKey, ...}): Initializes the MyPay payment gateway with the given configuration.

MyPayPayButton #

The MyPayPayButton is a customizable button widget that allows users to initiate the payment process for the MyPay Payment Gateway. The button can be easily integrated into your Flutter app by calling the MyPayPayButton constructor and passing the required parameters.

Here is an example of how to use the MyPayButton widget:

    amount: 2000,
    orderId: QWE-SEW-SFES-QXZS,
    merchantId: CAFEQ,
    password: decryptedPassword,
    returnUrl: ""
  width: 40,
  onSuccess: (MyPaySuccessResult successResponse) {
    // Handle success senerio
  onFailure: (MyPayFailureResult failureResponse) {
    // Handle failure senerio
  onCancel: () {
    // Handle cancel senerio

With MyPayButton, the integration of MyPay Payment Gateway becomes even easier, as the payment process can be initiated with just a single button press.

Properties #

The MyPayButton widget has the following parameters:

  • width: The width of the button (default is double.infinity).
  • height: The height of the button (default is 40.0).
  • color: The background color of the button (default is the primary color of the app).
  • borderColor: The border color of the button (default is the primary color of the app).
  • onSuccess: The callback function that is called when the payment is successful.
  • onFailure: The callback function that is called when the payment fails.
  • paymentConfig: The MyPay payment configuration object that is required to initialize the payment screen.
  • radius: The border radius of the button (default is 4).
  • widget: An optional widget to be placed instead of the title text field. If the user wants to place a row with the MyPay icon or different widget.
  • title: The title of the button (default is "Pay with MyPay").
  • textStyle: The text style of the button title.

Dev Testing Information #

If you want to test MYPay payment integration in development environment, you can use the following information:

  • MYPAY_URL: The URL of the MyPay payment gateway. Use for development environment.
  • Test MyPay IDs: You can use any of the following test MyPay IDs for testing purposes:
  • Username: 9863535353
  • Password: Test@123
  • OTP: 123456

Screenshots #

Here are some screenshots of the MyPay Payment Gateway integrated into a ecommerce Flutter app:

Example Order Screen Payment Screen

Run the example app #

  • Navigate to the example folder cd example
  • Install the dependencies
    • flutter pub get
  • Set up environment parameter in config MyConfig( in live or directly run with just MyConfig( in dev mode
  • Start the example
    • Terminal : flutter run

License #

This plugin is released under the MIT License. See LICENSE for details.

Contributions #

Contributions are welcome! To make this project better, Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on Github..

Contact #

If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to contact me on LinkedIn.



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An unofficial Flutter plugin that enables the integration of the MyPay Payment Gateway into applications, allowing users to make payments using their MyPay Wallet.

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dio, flutter, flutter_inappwebview


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