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A simple multiselect dropdown with nested options support for Flutter.

Multi Select Nested #

Multi Select Nested is a package with nested options support for Flutter.

General Use

Ready-to-use controller

Pass AnimatedContainer: true to use animations

Fully customizable

Features #

  • Single & multiple select with nested options support
  • Rich options & highly customizable

Getting Started #

add it to pubspec.yaml

    sdk: flutter
  multiselect_nested: # use latest version    

Import the library

import 'package:multiselect_nested/multiselect_nested.dart';

If you want you can create a MultiSelectNestedController to pass as a prop

import 'package:multiselect_nested/models/multiselect_nested.dart';

MultiSelectNestedController multiSelectController = MultiSelectNestedController();

You can also import the Model: multiselect_nested_item , helpful to use the correct interface when passing the options and the pre-selected items to the library

import 'package:multiselect_nested/models/multiselect_nested_item.dart';

Add the MultiSelectNested widget to your method

import 'package:multiselect_nested/multiselect_nested.dart';
import 'package:multiselect_nested/models/multiselect_nested_item.dart';
import 'package:multiselect_nested/models/multiselect_nested_controller.dart';

List<MultiSelectNestedItem> options = [
      id: 1,
      name: 'Option 1',
      children: [],
      id: 2,
      name: 'Option 2 ',
      children: [],
List<MultiSelectNestedItem> selected = [];
MultiSelectNestedController multiSelectController = MultiSelectNestedController();
    controller: multiSelectController,
    options: options,
    selectedValues: selected,
        (List<MultiSelectNestedItem> newValues) {
      setState(() {
        selected = newValues;

Example with a Future #

List<MultiSelectNestedItem> selected = [];
MultiSelectNestedController multiSelectController = MultiSelectNestedController();

Future<List<MultiSelectNestedItem>> getJson() async {
    var data = await rootBundle.loadString('assets/example_data.json');
    return multiSelectItemsFromJson(data);
    future: getJson(),
    builder: (BuildContext context,
      AsyncSnapshot<List<MultiSelectNestedItem>> snapshot) {
    switch (snapshot.connectionState) {
      case ConnectionState.waiting:
        return const Text('Loading....');
        if (snapshot.hasError) {
          return Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}');
        } else {
          return Column(
            children: [
                controller: multiSelectController,
                selectedValues: selected,
                    (List<MultiSelectNestedItem> newValues) {
                  setState(() {
                    selected = newValues;

See the complete example #


Constructor #

Parameter Type Description
options List< MultiSelectNestedItem > The options which a user can see and select.
selectedValues List< MultiSelectNestedItem > Preselected options.
setSelectedValues Function(List< MultiSelectNestedItem >)? Callback to pass the selectedValues to the parent. It's triggered when you add or remove elements from the selected items. Only works with the liveUpdateValues set to true
liveUpdateValues bool Set to true if you want a live update of the values. Be careful because it will trigger e rebuild on every added or removed element from the selectedValues which remove the smooth effect from the dropdown container.
checkParentWhenChildIsSelected bool Add a partial check to the parent when one of his child is selected. Be careful this works only with not multi hierarchical child
controller MultiSelectNestedController Use this controller to get access to internal state of the Multiselect.
paddingDropdown EdgeInsets Padding Dropdown content.
paddingSelectedItems EdgeInsets Padding Row Selected Items.
isAnimatedContainer bool Set to true to use an Animated container which can accept Curve's effects.
effectAnimatedContainer Curve Customize the effect of the animated container.
durationEffect Duration Duration of the Effect of the Animated Container.
heightDropdownContainer double Height of the Animated Container. This value is only read with the Animated Container set to true because it requires a specific height to work. If it is not set, will be used the default height as value.
heightDropdownContainerDefault Duration Overwrite the default height of the animated container.
dropdownContainerColor Color Background Color of the Collapsible Dropdown.
selectedItemColor Color Background Color of the Selected Items.
selectedItemDividerColor Color Color of the divider between the selected items.
collapsedIconColor Color Color of icon when items are collapsed.
selectedItemsRowColor Color Color of the row of the selected items.
noItemsText String Text to display in case of no items are provided.
noItemsTextStyle TextStyle Text Style of noItemsText.
styleDropdownItemName TextStyle Text Style of the labels inside the dropdown.

. . .

Contributing #

Pull requests are always welcome. Please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Follow me to get updated #

The Next Releases will implement these features.

  • Async searching
  • Delayed loading (load data of deep level options only when needed)

Stay Tuned!




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A simple multiselect dropdown with nested options support for Flutter.

Repository (GitHub)


API reference


BSD-3-Clause (license)


collection, flutter


Packages that depend on multiselect_nested