multiformats 0.2.0
multiformats: ^0.2.0 copied to clipboard
Provide useful interfaces such a CID used by AT Protocol to Dart/Flutter.
// Copyright 2023 Shinya Kato. All rights reserved.
// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
// modification, are permitted provided the conditions.
// ignore_for_file: lines_longer_than_80_chars
import 'package:multiformats/multiformats.dart';
import 'data.dart';
void main() {
final cid1 = CID.parse(stringCid);
final cid2 = CID.fromList(bytesCid);
cid1 == cid2; // => true
cid1.bytes; // => [0, 1, 85, 18, 32, 74, 151, 6, 128, 21, 242, 234, 243, 211, 164, 189, 89, 87, 0, 221, 71, 37, 76, 57, 227, 138, 247, 144, 216, 78, 220, 12, 83, 136, 10, 62, 117]
cid2.toString(); // => bafkreicks4diafps5lz5hjf5lflqbxkhevgdty4k66inqtw4brjyqcr6ou
final cid3 = CID.fromJson({
'/': stringCid,
cid3 == cid1 && cid3 == cid2; // => true
cid3.toJson(); // => {"/": "bafkreicks4diafps5lz5hjf5lflqbxkhevgdty4k66inqtw4brjyqcr6ou"}
final cid4 = CID.create('hello world');
cid4.toString(); // => bafkreifzjut3te2nhyekklss27nh3k72ysco7y32koao5eei66wof36n5e