mubicon 0.0.3 copy "mubicon: ^0.0.3" to clipboard
mubicon: ^0.0.3 copied to clipboard


Mubicloud API

mubicon #

Api with Swagger, Swashbuckle, and Manual API versioning.

This Dart package is automatically generated by the Swagger Codegen project:

  • API version: 1
  • Build package: io.swagger.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen

Requirements #

Dart 1.20.0 or later OR Flutter 0.0.20 or later

Installation & Usage #

Github #

If this Dart package is published to Github, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

name: mubicon
version: 0.0.3
description: Mubicloud API
      version: 'any'

Local #

To use the package in your local drive, please include the following in pubspec.yaml

    path: /path/to/mubicon

Tests #


Getting Started #

Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:

import 'package:mubicon/api.dart';

// TODO Configure API key authorization: Bearer
//mubicon.api.Configuration.apiKey{'Authorization'} = 'YOUR_API_KEY';
// uncomment below to setup prefix (e.g. Bearer) for API key, if needed
//mubicon.api.Configuration.apiKeyPrefix{'Authorization'} = "Bearer";

var api_instance = new BaseApi();
var id = 56; // int | 

try {
} catch (e) {
    print("Exception when calling BaseApi->deleteFeedsById: $e\n");

Documentation for API Endpoints #

All URIs are relative to https://localhost/api/v1

Class Method HTTP request Description
BaseApi deleteFeedsById DELETE /client/feeds/{id}
BaseApi deletePlaylistsById DELETE /client/playlists/{id}
BaseApi getChannels GET /client/channels
BaseApi getChannelsById GET /client/channels/{id}
BaseApi getCompanies GET /client/companies
BaseApi getFeeds GET /client/feeds
BaseApi getFeedsById GET /client/feeds/{id}
BaseApi getFeedsByIdPlay GET /client/feeds/{id}/play
BaseApi getFeedsPlaylists GET /client/feeds/playlists
BaseApi getGenres GET /client/genres
BaseApi getOwners GET /client/owners
BaseApi getOwnersById GET /client/owners/{id}
BaseApi getPlaces GET /client/places
BaseApi getPlacesById GET /client/places/{id}
BaseApi getPlaylists GET /client/playlists
BaseApi getPlaylistsById GET /client/playlists/{id}
BaseApi getSelections GET /client/selections
BaseApi getSelectionsById GET /client/selections/{id}
BaseApi getSessionAuthByCode GET /session/auth/{code}
BaseApi getStatistics GET /client/statistics
BaseApi getTickets GET /client/tickets
BaseApi getTicketsById GET /client/tickets/{id}
BaseApi getTracks GET /client/tracks
BaseApi getTracksPublished GET /client/tracks/published
BaseApi getUsers GET /client/users
BaseApi getUsersFull GET /client/users/full
BaseApi getUsersOwner GET /client/users/owner
BaseApi postAccountChangePassword POST /account/change-password
BaseApi postAccountResetPassword POST /account/reset-password
BaseApi postFeeds POST /client/feeds
BaseApi postPlaylists POST /client/playlists
BaseApi postSelectionsById POST /client/selections/{id}
BaseApi postSessionCrossLogin POST /session/cross-login
BaseApi postSessionLogin POST /session/login
BaseApi postTickets POST /client/tickets
BaseApi postUploadAudio POST /upload/audio
BaseApi postUploadImage POST /upload/image
BaseApi postUsersPasswordReset POST /client/users/password-reset
BaseApi putFeeds PUT /client/feeds
BaseApi putFeedsByIdPlaybacks PUT /client/feeds/{id}/playbacks
BaseApi putFeedsPlaylist PUT /client/feeds/playlist
BaseApi putPlaylists PUT /client/playlists
BaseApi putPlaylistsByIdPlaybacks PUT /client/playlists/{id}/playbacks
BaseApi putSelectionsByIdRatingByNewRatingValue PUT /client/selections/{id}/rating/{newRatingValue}
BaseApi putSelectionsByIdViews PUT /client/selections/{id}/views
BaseApi putTracksByFileHashPlaybacksByPlaceId PUT /client/tracks/{fileHash}/playbacks/{placeId}
BaseApi putTracksByFileHashPublish PUT /client/tracks/{fileHash}/publish
BaseApi putTracksByFileHashUnpublish PUT /client/tracks/{fileHash}/unpublish
BaseApi putTracksCheck PUT /client/tracks/check
BaseApi putTracksUpdate PUT /client/tracks/update
BaseApi putUsers PUT /client/users

Documentation For Models #

  • ApplicationUser
  • ArchivePlaylist
  • AuditLog
  • Channel
  • ChannelGetCompany
  • ChannelGetResponse
  • ChannelIndexResponse
  • CompanyType
  • CompanyTypeChannel
  • CompanyTypePlaylist
  • CompanyTypePlaylistDTO
  • CompanyTypeSelection
  • CompanyTypeTrack
  • CompanyTypeUser
  • CopyRightOwner
  • CredentialsHostViewModel
  • CredentialsViewModel
  • CrossLoginResponse
  • Feed
  • FeedClientDTO
  • FeedClientLiteDTO
  • FeedGetResponse
  • FeedPlayResponse
  • FeedPlaylistPlayResponse
  • FeedPlaylistPlayTrack
  • FeedPlaylistResponse
  • FeedPlaylistTrack
  • FeedPlaylistsResponse
  • FileResponse
  • ForgotPasswordViewModel
  • Genre
  • GenrePlaylist
  • GenrePlaylistDTO
  • GenreSelection
  • GenreTrack
  • LoginResponse
  • OwnerIndexResponseData
  • Place
  • PlaceIndexResponse
  • Playlist
  • PlaylistClientDTO
  • PlaylistClientShortDTO
  • PlaylistFeed
  • PlaylistFeedDTO
  • PlaylistGetCompany
  • PlaylistGetGenre
  • PlaylistGetResponse
  • PlaylistIndexResponse
  • ResultBoolResponse
  • Selection
  • SelectionGetResponse
  • SelectionIndexResponse
  • StatisticIndexResponse
  • Ticket
  • TicketIndexResponse
  • TicketIndexResponseData
  • Track
  • TrackIndexResponse
  • TrackIndexResponseData
  • TrackPlayList
  • TrackPlayListDTO
  • TrackPublishedGetResponse
  • TrackSelection
  • UserGetFeed
  • UserGetPlace
  • UserGetPlaylist
  • UserGetResponse
  • UserGetTicket

Documentation For Authorization #

Bearer #

  • Type: API key
  • API key parameter name: Authorization
  • Location: HTTP header

Author #

pub points


unverified uploader

Mubicloud API


unknown (license)




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