mtproto 0.0.1 copy "mtproto: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
mtproto: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

A library mtproto for interact with telegram api on dart and flutter support cross platform client side and server side.

Telegram Client library #

Fast, Enjoyable & Customizable Telegram Client

Pub Version

Telegram client dart library untuk membuat telegram based flutter bot userbot bisa di server side dan client side, library ini 100% mudah di gunakan untuk membuat multi client sekaligus karena di library Telegram Client ini kamu hanya perlu memanggil fungsi saja dan update automatis akan di terima di event emitter

Features #

  • 🚀 Cross platform: mobile, desktop, browser, server
  • ⚡ Performance Bagus Dan Effisien
  • ❤️ Simple, powerful, & intuitive API

Quick Review #

Video singkat cara menggunakan library ini untuk membuat project yang ingin anda bikin dengan template yang sudah saya buat.

1. Create And Run Application

2. Create And Run Telegram Userbot Tdlib

3. Create And Run Telegram Bot Api

Examples App use Telegram Client #

  1. Azkagram

Telegram Application dengan menambahkan design baru serta fitur userbot dan fitur lain yang tidak di sediakan secara resmi oleh telegram project ini sudah di close source code karena banyak yang berusaha membuat app ini untuk melakukan tindakan kriminal (spam, scam), Jika anda ingin membuat silahkan pelajari library ini.

  1. GLX Socmed

Examples Bot use Telegram Client #

  1. AzkadevBot Telegram bot Berbayar complex yang bisa menghandle banyak group, ch, private, dengan banyak fitur payment gateway, Automation Store, clone userbot bot, dibikin dengan library ini tanpa campur bahasa code lain, Bot ini berjalan hanya menggunakan < 100mb di server sangat ringan karena menggunakan dart

Install Library #

  1. Install Library
dart pub add telegram_client
  1. For Flutter
flutter pub add telegram_client telegram_client_flutter telegram_bot_api_flutter
  1. Cli
dart pub global activate telegram_client
  1. Setup

Setup automatis agar kamu tidak ribet compile tdlib, telegram-bot-api

telegram_client setup -f

Add Library #

import 'package:telegram_client/telegram_client.dart';

Use Template Agar Cepat Selesai #

telegram_client create name_project --template telegram_bot_tdlib_template

Docs #

Library Feature #

  • telegram client dart

    • ✅️ support server side & client side
    • ✅️ support multi token ( bot / userbot )
    • ✅️ support bot and userbot
    • ✅️ support telegram-bot-api (local / Bot-Api
    • ✅️ Support long poll update bot api
    • ✅️ Support telegram database library ( TDLIB )
    • ✅️ Add more Api Humanize pretty update and method api humanize
    • ✅️ Easy handle multi client
  • telegram client node tidak di urus lagi

    • ✅️ support server side & client side
    • ✅️ support multi token ( bot / userbot )
    • ✅️ support bot and userbot
    • ✅️ support telegram-bot-api local server
    • ✅️ support telegram database library ( TDLIB )
    • ✅️ Add more Api Humanize pretty update and method api humanize
  • telegram client google apps script tidak di urus lagi

    • ✅️ support multi token ( bot / userbot )
    • ✅️ support bot and userbot
    • ❌️ support telegram-bot-api local server
    • ❌️ support telegram database library ( Tdlib )

Add library on project #

Jika anda ingin menggunakan library ini pastikan anda sudah bisa mengcompile tdlib ya

  • Automatis Jika anda tidak tahu cara mengcompile gunakan ini
flutter pub add telegram_client_flutter
  • Manual

Untuk menambahkan library kamu wajib mengcompile ke platform yang ingin kamu buat Build Tdlib

Android #

Copy .so files from archive to example/android/app/main/jniLibs:

└── example 
    └── android 
        └── app 
            └── main 
                └── jniLibs 
                    └── arm64-v8a
                    │   └──
                    └── armeabi-v7a
                    │   └──
                    └── x86
                    │   └──
                    └── x86_64

Open file example/android/app/build.gradle


sourceSets { += 'src/main/kotlin'


sourceSets {
  main {
    java.srcDirs += 'src/main/kotlin'
    jniLibs.srcDirs = ['src/main/jniLibs']

iOS and macOS #

  1. Copy libtdjson.dylib from archive to example/ios
  2. Copy libtdjson.dylib from archive to example/macos
└── example 
    └── ios 
    │   └── libtdjson.dylib
    └── macos
        └── libtdjson.dylib
  1. Open Runner.xcworkspace in Xcode.
  2. Add .dylib file to project.
  3. Find Frameworks, Libraries, and EmbeddedContent.
  4. Against libtdjson.dylib choose Embed & Sign.
  5. Find Signing & Capabilities.
  6. In Section App Sandbox (Debug and Profile) set true Outgoing Connections (Client).

Windows #

  1. Copy files from archive to example/windows/tdlib
└── example 
    └── windows 
        └── tdlib 
            └── libcrypto-1_1.dll
            └── libssl-1_1.dll
            └── tdjson.dll
            └── zlib1.dll
  1. Open example/windows/CMakeLists.txt.
# begin td
set(dll_path "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tdlib")
install(FILES "${dll_path}/libcrypto-1_1.dll" DESTINATION "${INSTALL_BUNDLE_LIB_DIR}" COMPONENT Runtime)
install(FILES "${dll_path}/libssl-1_1.dll" DESTINATION "${INSTALL_BUNDLE_LIB_DIR}" COMPONENT Runtime)
install(FILES "${dll_path}/tdjson.dll" DESTINATION "${INSTALL_BUNDLE_LIB_DIR}" COMPONENT Runtime)
install(FILES "${dll_path}/zlib1.dll" DESTINATION "${INSTALL_BUNDLE_LIB_DIR}" COMPONENT Runtime)
# end td

Linux #

  1. Copy file from archive to example/linux/tdlib
└── example 
    └── linux 
        └── tdlib 
  1. Open example/linux/CMakeLists.txt.
  2. Add at the end of file:
# begin td
    COMPONENT Runtime)
# end td

Feature #

Docs #

Tdlib #

gunakan ini untuk membuat userbot / bot / application based tdlib, quickstart: more update example check on this

  • single
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:telegram_client/telegram_client.dart';
void main(List<String> args) async {
  var path = Directory.current.path;
  Tdlib tg = Tdlib(pathTdl:"./", clientOption: {
    'api_id': 12345,
    'api_hash': 'abcdefgjjaijiajdisd',
    'database_directory': "$path/user/",
    'files_directory': "$path/user/",
  tg.on("update", (UpdateTd update) {
  await tg.initIsolate();
  • multi

Di library ini kamu bisa membuat banyak client tanpa perlu repot menambahkan banyak kode sangat simpel dan ringkas menjadi satu

import 'dart:io';
import 'package:telegram_client/telegram_client.dart';
void main(List<String> args) async {
  var path = Directory.current.path;
  Tdlib tg = Tdlib(pathTdl:"./", clientOption:{
    'api_id': 12345678, /// telegram_api_id
    'api_hash': 'asaskaoskaoskoa', /// telegram_api_hash
    'database_directory': "$path/user_0/",
    'files_directory': "$path/user_0/",
  tg.on("update", (UpdateTd update) {
    if (tg.client_id == update.client_id) {
    } else {
  await tg.initIsolate();
  await tg.initIsolateNewClient(clientId: tg.client_create(), clientOption: {
    'database_directory': "${path}/user_1/",
    'files_directory': "${path}/user_1/",


No key value Deskripsi required
1 pathTdl String path tdlib yes
2 clientOption object parameters di butuhkan jika method membutuhkannya no
  • examples
Tdlib tg = Tdlib(pathTdl:"./", clientOption: {
  'api_id': 123435,
  'api_hash': 'asmamskmaks',
  'database_directory': "",
  'files_directory': "",
  "use_file_database": true,
  "use_chat_info_database": true,
  "use_message_database": true,
  "use_secret_chats": true,
  'enable_storage_optimizer': true,
  'system_language_code': 'en',
  'new_verbosity_level': 0,
  'application_version': 'v1',
  'device_model': 'Telegram Client Hexaminate',


No key value Deskripsi required
1 type_update String path tdlib yes
2 function object parameters di butuhkan jika method membutuhkannya yes
  • examples
tg.on("update", (UpdateTd update) {


No key value Deskripsi required
1 clientId int addres client_create no
2 clientOption object parameters di butuhkan jika method membutuhkannya no
  • examples


No key value Deskripsi required
1 name_method String more method check tdlib-docs yes
2 parameters object parameters di butuhkan jika method membutuhkannya options
  • examples
tg.request("sendMessage", parameters: {
  "chat_id": 123456,
  "text": "Hello world"


No key value Deskripsi required
1 parameters object parameters di butuhkan jika method membutuhkannya yes
  • examples
  "@type": "getMe",


No key value Deskripsi required
1 parameters object parameters di butuhkan jika method membutuhkannya yes
  • examples
  "@type": "getMe",

Object #

UpdateTd #


methods #

more method check tdlib-docs


No key value Deskripsi required
1 chat_id String or int yes
2 text String yes


No key value Deskripsi required
1 chat_id String or int yes
2 photo String yes

TelegramBotApi #

Gunakan ini untuk berinteraksi dengan api telegram, semua method disini sudah auto update


  • single
import 'package:telegram_client/telegram_client.dart';
void main(List<String> args) async {
  TelegramBotApi tg = TelegramBotApi("token");
  tg.on("update", (UpdateApi update) {
  await tg.initIsolate(); // add this jika ingin menggunakan long poll update
  • multi
import 'package:telegram_client/telegram_client.dart';
void main(List<String> args) async {
  TelegramBotApi tg = TelegramBotApi("token");
  tg.on("update", (UpdateApi update) {
  await tg.initIsolate();
  await tg.initIsolate(tokenBot: "new_token_bot");


No key value Deskripsi required
1 string_token_bot String token bot @botfather yes
2 clientOption object parameters di butuhkan jika method membutuhkannya no
  • examples
TelegramBotApi tg = TelegramBotApi("token_bot");
No key value Deskripsi required
1 name_method String more method check tdlib-docs yes
2 parameters object parameters di butuhkan jika method membutuhkannya options
  • examples
tg.request("sendMessage", parameters:{
  "chat_id": 123456,
  "text": "Hello world"

MtProto #

Untuk mtproto telegram ini belum jadi ya karena saya belum mengerti cara connect mtproto Quickstart:

import 'package:telegram_client/telegram_client.dart';
void main() async {
  Mtproto tg = Mtproto();
  tg.on("update", (data) {

  • Tags: #telegram #telegram_client #tdlib #mtproto #telegram_bot_api #telegram_dart #telegram_flutter #telegram_clone #telegram_userbot #telegram_bot

  • Seo Telegram Dart Telegram Client Telegram Flutter Telegram userbot Telegram Bot Telegram Tdlib Tdlib Mtproto Telegram Bot Api Telegram Library Telegram clone Telegram clone flutter Tdlib Dart Tdlib Flutter Mtproto dart Mtproto flutter Telegram Bot Api Telegram Bot Api dart Telegram Bot Api Flutter



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A library mtproto for interact with telegram api on dart and flutter support cross platform client side and server side.

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