mtpl_api 0.0.1 mtpl_api: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard
Flutter package for API call
APIs package lets you call APIs easily to your Flutter app.
Features #
All APIs methods in single package. User just need to add and import the package.
Getting started #
Add the latest version of mtpl_api package to your pubspec.yaml and run dart pub get.
Usage #
Make class for using package and pass required parameter.
class DemoHttpAction {
static HttpActions httpActions = HttpActions(
header: {"": ""},
noInternetPage: const NoInternetScreen(),
url: "",
globalContext: navigatorKey.currentContext)
Future<Map<String, String>> getToken() {
return Future.value({
//return Future.value({});
Additional information #
APIs package lets you call APIs easily to your Flutter app.