mssql_connection 1.0.0 mssql_connection: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard
A robust and efficient Flutter plugin for connecting to Microsoft SQL Server databases using the JTDS driver. This plugin provides seamless integration with your Flutter application, enabling you to p [...]
Changelog #
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
Unreleased #
1.0.0 - YYYY-MM-DD #
Added #
- Initial release of the Flutter plugin for connecting to Microsoft SQL Server databases.
- Support for connecting to databases with customizable connection parameters.
- Ability to execute SQL queries and retrieve results in JSON format.
- Database write operations, including inserts, updates, and deletes, with transaction support.
- Automatic reconnection handling for improved robustness in case of connection interruptions.
- Configurable timeout for database connections to manage response times.
Usage #
- Integrate the plugin into your Flutter app to establish secure connections to Microsoft SQL Server databases.
- Execute complex SQL queries and retrieve results in JSON format for seamless integration with your application's logic.
- Effortlessly manage database write operations, ensuring data consistency and integrity.
- Utilize the plugin's automatic reconnection mechanism to handle network interruptions gracefully.
- Customize connection parameters, including URL, username, password, and timeout, to suit your application's needs.
Note #
- This plugin assumes the usage of the JTDS JDBC driver for connecting to Microsoft SQL Server databases.