msix 1.0.3 copy "msix: ^1.0.3" to clipboard
msix: ^1.0.3 copied to clipboard


Create and sign Msix installer for flutter windows-build files.


pub package MSIX toolkit package issues-closed issues-open

Msix #

A command-line tool that create Msix installer for your flutter windows-build files.

📋 Install #

In your pubspec.yaml, add msix as a new dependency.

    sdk: flutter
  msix: ^1.0.3

📦 Create Msix #


PS c:\src\flutter_project\> flutter build windows
PS c:\src\flutter_project\> flutter pub run msix:create

The flutter build windows is required to build the executable that flutter pub run msix:create bundles up in the MSIX install file.

🔍 Configuration (Optional) #

Add msix_config: configuration at the end of your pubspec.yaml file:

  display_name: MyApp
  publisher_display_name: MyName
  identity_name: MyCompany.MySuite.MyApp
  certificate_path: C:\<PathToCertificate>\<MyCertificate.pfx>
  certificate_password: 1234 (require if using .pfx certificate)
  publisher: CN=My Company, O=My Company, L=Berlin, S=Berlin, C=DE
  logo_path: C:\<PathToIcon>\<Logo.png>
  start_menu_icon_path: C:\<PathToIcon>\<Icon.png>
  tile_icon_path: C:\<PathToIcon>\<Icon.png>
  vs_generated_images_folder_path: C:\<PathToFolder>\Images
  icons_background_color: transparent (or some color like: '#ffffff')
  architecture: x64
  capabilities: 'internetClient,location,microphone,webcam'
Configuration Name Description (from microsoft docs) Example Value And Type Required
display_name A friendly name that can be displayed to users. MyApp (string) No
publisher_display_name A friendly name for the publisher that can be displayed to users. MyName (string) require if uploading to windows store
identity_name Describes the contents of the package. com.flutter.MyApp (string) require if uploading to windows store
msix_version The version number of the package. (must be four numbers with dots) require if uploading to windows store
certificate_path C:/<PathToCertificate>/<MyCertificate.pfx> No
certificate_password the certificate password 1234 (string) require if using .pfx certificate
publisher Describes the publisher information. The Publisher attribute must match the publisher subject information of the certificate used to sign a package. CN=My Company, O=My Company, L=Berlin, S=Berlin, C=DE (string) require if uploading to windows store
logo_path An image used as the app logo, sample: C:/<PathToIcon>/<Logo.png> No
start_menu_icon_path An image used as the app logo in the start-menu, sample: C:/<PathToIcon>/<Icon.png> No
tile_icon_path An image used as the app tile logo in the start-menu, sample: C:/<PathToIcon>/<Icon.png> No
vs_generated_images_folder_path Visual Studio can generate for you optimized icons (logo/tile and more) see Thomas's explanation. This is an alternative for logo_path, start_menu_icon_path, tile_icon_path. sample: C:\<PathToFolder>\Images No
icons_background_color Specifies the background color of the app icons, can be transparent or some color like: #ffffff transparent (string) No
architecture Describes the architecture of the code contained in the package, one of: x86, x64, arm,, neutral x64 (string) No
capabilities Declares the access to protected user resources that the package requires. availables capabilities: internetClient internetClientServer privateNetworkClientServer allJoyn codeGeneration objects3D chat voipCall voipCall phoneCall removableStorage userAccountInformation sharedUserCertificates blockedChatMessages appointments contacts musicLibrary videosLibrary picturesLibrary enterpriseAuthentication phoneCallHistoryPublic spatialPerception userNotificationListener remoteSystem backgroundMediaPlayback offlineMapsManagement userDataTasks graphicsCapture globalMediaControl gazeInput systemManagement lowLevelDevices documentsLibrary accessoryManager allowElevation location microphone webcam radios internetClient,location,microphone,webcam (string) No

🏷 Windows Store #

To upload the MSIX file to Windows Store the configuration values publisher_display_name, identity_name, msix_version, publisher must be valid.

For more information, please see this tutorial: How to publish your MSIX package to the Microsoft Store?

⚙ Command-Line Arguments #

If you using Continuous Deployment (CD) you can set the some configurations values via the command-line arguments.

available arguments:

  • package version: --version (must be in the format:
  • certificate path: --certificate or -c
  • certificate password: --password or -p


flutter pub run msix:create --version --certificate <your certificate path> --password <your certificate password>

❓ Signing Error #

If you getting certificate sign error "Error: Store::ImportCertObject() failed." or "Error: SignerSign() failed."

  1. Check the configuration values of certificate_path, certificate_password and publisher
  2. Try use Marcel`s solution: #17

package tags: msi windows win10 windows10 windows store windows installer windows packaging appx AppxManifest SignTool MakeAppx




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Create and sign Msix installer for flutter windows-build files.

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ansicolor, args, flutter, package_config, path, yaml


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