msal_js 1.2.2
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A Dart wrapper for the 'Microsoft Authentication Library for JavaScript (MSAL.js)'.
Looking for a Flutter Web example?
See our example for Flutter Web apps here.
This example is based on
Only information related to library usage is present in this file, it is highly recommended to read the MSAL.js version first as it also covers Azure AD concepts related to the library.
This example is just meant to cover the translation of the example from JavaScript to Dart.
Contents #
- Instantiate the UserAgentApplication
- Login the user
- Get an access token to call an API
- Use the token as a bearer in an HTTP request
Instantiate the UserAgentApplication #
can be configured with a variety of different options, but only auth.clientId
is required.
After instantiating your instance, if you plan on using a redirect flow (loginRedirect
and acquireTokenRedirect
), you must register a callback handlers using handleRedirectCallback
. The callback function is called after the authentication request is completed either successfully or with a failure. This is not required for the popup flows since they return futures.
// Import msal_js
import 'package:msal_js/msal_js.dart';
// Configure and create the UserAgentApplication
final config = new Configuration()
..auth = (new AuthOptions()
..clientId = 'your_client_id'
final userAgentApplication = new UserAgentApplication(config);
// Register a callback for redirect flows (optional)
void authCallback(AuthException error, [AuthResponse response]) {
// handle redirect response or error
Login the user #
Your app must login the user with either the loginPopup
or the loginRedirect
method to establish the user context.
// Login via popup example
final loginRequest = new AuthRequest()
..scopes = ['', 'mail.send'];
try {
final AuthResponse response =
await userAgentApplication.loginPopup(loginRequest);
// Handle successful response
} on AuthException catch (ex) {
// Handle error
Get an access token to call an API #
In MSAL, you can get access tokens for the APIs your app needs to call using the acquireTokenSilent
method which makes a silent request (without prompting the user with UI) to Azure AD to obtain an access token.
You can use acquireTokenRedirect
or acquireTokenPopup
to initiate interactive requests, although, it is best practice to only show interactive experiences if you are unable to obtain a token silently due to interaction required errors. If you are using an interactive token call, it must match the login method used in your application. (loginPopup
=> acquireTokenPopup
, loginRedirect
=> acquireTokenRedirect
If the acquireTokenSilent
call fails with an error of type InteractionRequiredAuthException
you will need to initiate an interactive request. This could happen for many reasons including scopes that have been revoked, expired tokens, or password changes.
will look for a valid token in the cache, and if it is close to expiring or does not exist, will automatically try to refresh it for you.
// If the user is already logged in, you can acquire a token
if (userAgentApplication.getAccount() != null) {
final tokenRequest = new AuthRequest()
..scopes = ['', 'mail.send'];
try {
// Try silently
final AuthResponse response =
await userAgentApplication.acquireTokenSilent(tokenRequest);
// Get access token from response.accessToken
} on InteractionRequiredAuthException {
// Interactive prompt is required to get token
try {
final AuthResponse response =
await userAgentApplication.acquireTokenPopup(tokenRequest);
// Get access token from response.accessToken
} on AuthException catch (ex) {
// Handle error
} else {
// User is not logged in, you will need to log them in to acquire a token
Use the token as a bearer in an HTTP request #
Simple package:http
example of using Microsoft Graph with a token:
import 'package:http/http.dart';
final Client client = new BrowserClient();
final Response response = await client.get(
headers: {
'Authorization': 'Bearer $token'