moyasar_payment 0.1.4 moyasar_payment: ^0.1.4 copied to clipboard
Flutter library for Moyasar. Supports Apple Pay, STC Pay and Credit Card.
Moyasar Flutter Plugin #
🚀 Installation #
This plugin is available on Pub:
Add this to dependencies
in your app's pubspec.yaml
moyasar_payment : latest_version
📱 IOS version #
⚠️ Make sure that the IOS version is set to 12.2
in your app's ios/PodFile
diff --git a/ios/PodFile b/ios/PodFile
- # platform :ios, '11'
+ platform :ios, '12.2'
🔖 Usage #
Import moyasar_payment.dart
import 'package:moyasar_payment/moyasar_payment.dart';
Import paymodel.dart
import 'package:moyasar_payment/model/paymodel.dart';
Integrate Apple Pay
Import applepaymodel.dart
import 'package:moyasar_payment/model/source/applepaymodel.dart';
var items = <String,double>{
'Item 1': 20.0,
'Item 2' : 80.0
PayModel res = await MoyasarPayment().applePay(
amount: 100.0,
publishableKey: 'publishable_key',
applepayMerchantId: 'applepay_merchant_id',
paymentItems: items,
currencyCode: 'SAR',
countryCode: 'SA',
description: 'description');
if (res.type != null) { // User Cancelled The Payment
} else {
ApplePayModel applePayModel = ApplePayModel.fromJson(res.source);
Integrate Credit Card
Import creditcardmodel.dart
import 'package:moyasar_payment/model/source/creditcardmodel.dart';
PayModel res = await MoyasarPayment().creditCard(
description :'description',
amount: 100.0,
publishableKey: 'publishable_key',
cardHolderName: 'cardHolderName',
cardNumber: 'cardNumber',
cvv: 'cvv',
expiryManth: 'expiryDate_manth',
expiryYear: 'expiryDate_yar',
callbackUrl: '');
CreditcardModel creditcardModel = CreditcardModel.fromJson(res.source);
Integrate STC Pay
Import stcpaymodel.dart
import 'package:moyasar_payment/model/source/stcpaymodel.dart';
PayModel res = await MoyasarPayment().stcPay(
amount: 100.0,
phoneNumber: 'phoneNumber',
publishableKey: 'publishable_key',
description: 'description');
STCPayModel stcPayModel = STCPayModel.fromJson(res.source);
STC Pay OTP Verification
var resdata = await MoyasarPayment().StcPayOtp(
otpValue: 'otp Value',
transactionUrl: 'transaction_url';
❤️ Found this project useful? #
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:🪄: Contributing, :disappointed: Issues and :bug: Bug Reports
The project is open to public contribution. Please feel very free to contribute. Experienced an issue or want to report a bug? Please, report it here. Remember to be as descriptive as possible.