motherlang 0.0.1 copy "motherlang: ^0.0.1" to clipboard
motherlang: ^0.0.1 copied to clipboard

Create any esolang

🌟 motherlang 🌟 #

Welcome to motherlang, a whimsical programming language interpreter that empowers you to craft and execute programs with your own unique syntax and keywords. Dive into the world of custom languages and watch your code come alive with motherlang's lexer, parser, and interpreter.

✨ Features #

  • Custom Keywords: Define your own keywords for variable declarations, loops, conditions, and more.
  • Lexical Analysis: Transform your code into tokens using the lexer.
  • Parsing Magic: Convert tokens into a syntax tree with the parser.
  • Interpretation Wizardry: Execute your custom language programs and see the results.

🚀 Installation #

Add motherlang to your pubspec.yaml:

  motherlang: 0.0.1

Then fetch the package:

dart pub get

🎓 Usage #

Let's explore how to use motherlang to define a custom language and calculate the first 10 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence.

import 'package:motherlang/motherlang.dart';

void main() {
  final program = '''
    ai will replace n1 = 0;
    ai will replace n2 = 1;

    ai will replace count = 0;

    weekly sprint (count < 10) {
        debug n1;
        ai will replace n3 = n1 + n2;
        ai will replace n1 = n2;
        ai will replace n2 = n3;
        ai will replace count = count + 1;

  // Prepare the language definition
  final languageDefinition = LanguageDefinition(
    variableDeclarationKeyword: 'ai will replace',
    whileLoopKeyword: 'weekly sprint',
    ifConditionKeyWord: 'maybe',
    elseIfConditionKeyword: 'whatIf',
    elseConditionKeyword: 'nevermind',
    printKeyword: 'debug',
    trueBooleanKeyword: 'feature',
    falseBooleanKeyword: 'bug',
    logicalNotKeyword: 'this is not real code',

  final lexer = Lexer(
    input: program,
    languageDefinition: languageDefinition,
  final tokens = lexer.tokenize();

  final parser = Parser(tokens);
  final statements = parser.parse();

  final interpreter = Interpreter();
  final output = interpreter.interpret(statements);


🔍 Explanation #

  1. Language Definition: Use the LanguageDefinition class to set your custom keywords for various programming constructs.
  2. Lexical Analysis: Create a Lexer object with your program and language definition to convert the input into tokens.
  3. Parsing: Employ the Parser class to transform tokens into a syntax tree.
  4. Interpretation: Run the statements using the Interpreter class and enjoy the output.

🎨 Example Program #

The example above illustrates:

  • Declaring variables with the whimsical keyword ai will replace.
  • Using a weekly sprint loop to iterate while a condition is true.
  • Printing output with the debug keyword.

📜 License #

This project is licensed under the MIT License. Check out the LICENSE file for details.

🤝 Contributions #

We welcome contributions! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request on GitHub.

Bring your creativity to life with motherlang and create your own languages! Happy coding! ✨✨✨