morphing_text 0.1.0 copy "morphing_text: ^0.1.0" to clipboard
morphing_text: ^0.1.0 copied to clipboard


A new Flutter package project.

Morphing Text #

It is a collection of text animations inspired by LTMorphingLabel.

Animations #

ScaleMorphingText #

    texts: text,
    loopForever: true,
    onComplete: () {},
    textStyle: TextStyle(color:, fontSize: 40.0),

All Parameters #

Type Parameter Description Default
List<String> texts List of String which will show the text -
TextStyle textStyle Styling of texts DefaultTextStyle
Duration speed Define the speed of changing of each text 500 milliseconds
Duration pause Define the pause between each transition 1500 milliseconds
bool loopForever When true animations will repeat indefinitely false
int loopCount Number of time animation will repeat itself 1
void onComplete When loopCount is completed it is called -
Curve fadeInCurve Curve which controls opacity from 0 to 1 Curves.easeInExpo
Curve fadeOutCurve Curve which controls opacity from 1 to 0 Curves.easeOut
Curve progressCurve Curve which controls movement of text and scale changes Curves.easeIn

Changing Curves is purely experimental, select proper curves as per your need or leave them at default

Installation #

Add in your pubspec.yaml

  morphing_text: <latest>

install packages

flutter packages get

Then import it in your main

import 'package: morphing_text/morphing_text.dart';

Want to Contribute? #

A help is always welcomed, check our