morpheme_cucumber 1.0.1 copy "morpheme_cucumber: ^1.0.1" to clipboard
morpheme_cucumber: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard

A gherkin / cucumber integration test runner flutter with morpheme_cli.

Morpheme Cucumber #

morpheme_cucumber package builds on top of patrol and integration_test to make it easy to integration test with gherkin language.

It can be used on morpheme_cli.

Installation #

installation morpheme_cli

dart pub global activate morpheme_cli

installation morpheme flutter in your project

morpheme create

Morpheme Cli #

Now you done for setup all MorphemeCucumber then you can call morpheme command:

First init to create morpheme.yaml

morpheme init

Then download all dependency with morpheme get

morpheme get

Last you can run cucumber command

morpheme cucumber

by default run integration_test/cucumber_test.dart by flavor dev. if you want to running flavor stag or prod just add argument --flavor stag or --flavor prod

Usage #

To use morpheme_cucumber create file cucumber_test.dart in your integration_test directory. Then import it:

import 'package:morpheme_cucumber/morpheme_cucumber.dart';

Once imported, you can write widget tests:

import 'support/cucumber_config.dart';
import 'support/cucumber_hook.dart';
import 'support/step_definitions.dart';

void main() async {
  await MorphemeCucumber(
    config: CucumberConfig(),
    hook: CucumberHook(),
    reporter: [JsonReporter(), StdoutReporter()],
    stepDefinitions: stepDefinitions,

Config #

You can create Config or make it default null:

import 'package:core/core.dart';
import 'package:morpheme_cucumber/morpheme_cucumber.dart';

class CucumberConfig extends Config {
  bool get nativeAutomation => false;

  NativeAutomatorConfig get nativeAutomatorConfig =>
      const NativeAutomatorConfig(
        androidAppName: Environment.appName,
        iosAppName: Environment.appName,
        packageName: Environment.androidApplicationId,
        bundleId: Environment.iosApplicationId,

  PatrolTesterConfig get patrolTesterConfig => const PatrolTesterConfig(
        visibleTimeout: Duration(minutes: 1),

  bool get skipScenario => false;

  Duration get timeout => const Duration(minutes: 5);

Hook #

Now you can add your Hook for cucumber:

import 'package:core/core.dart';
import 'package:morpheme_cucumber/morpheme_cucumber.dart';
import 'package:morpheme_flutter_starter_kit/main.dart' as app;

class CucumberHook extends Hook {
  Future<void> onBeforeExecute() async {
    await app.init();

  Future<void> onAfterExecute() async {}

  Future<void> onBeforeFeature(PatrolTester $) async {}

  Future<void> onAfterFeature(PatrolTester $) async {
    await FlutterSecureStorageHelper.logout();

  Future<void> onBeforeScenario(PatrolTester $) async {
    await $.pumpWidget(const app.MyApp());

  Future<void> onAfterScenario(PatrolTester $) async {

  Future<void> onBeforeStep(PatrolTester $) async {}

  Future<void> onAfterStep(PatrolTester $) async {}

Step Definitions #

and the requirement morpheme_cucumber its step_definitions.dart:

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:morpheme_cucumber/morpheme_cucumber.dart';

Map<RegExp, Function> stepDefinitions = {
  // Action
  RegExp(r'I wait for "([^"]*)" key to visible'):
      (PatrolTester $, String key) async {
    await $(Key(key)).waitUntilVisible();
  RegExp(r'I clear textfield in "([^"]*)" key'):
      (PatrolTester $, String key) async {
    await $(Key(key)).enterText('');
  RegExp(r'I enter "([^"]*)" into "([^"]*)" key'):
      (PatrolTester $, String value, String key) async {
    await $(Key(key)).enterText(value);
  RegExp(r'I scroll in "([^"]*)" key until visible "([^"]*)" key'):
      (PatrolTester $, String scrollKey, String visibleKey) async {
    await $(Key(visibleKey))
        .scrollTo(scrollable: $(Key(scrollKey)).$(Scrollable));
  RegExp(r'I tap "([^"]*)" key'): (PatrolTester $, String key) async {
    await $(Key(key)).tap();
  RegExp(r'I longtap "([^"]*)" key'): (PatrolTester $, String key) async {
    await $.tester.longPress($(key));

you can add your custom another step definitions with RegExp

  • String "([^"]*)"
  • num "(\d+)"
  • Select "(JSON|YAML|XML|HTML)"

or other reg exp just on grouping ().

Add Assets in pubspec.yaml #

  1. Create directory in integration_test/ndjson/
  2. Then add as assets in pubspec.yaml
  uses-material-design: true
    - integration_test/ndjson/

Reporters #

Reporters are classes that are able to report on the status of the test run. This could be a simple as merely logging scenario result to the console. There are a number of built-in reporter:

  • StdoutReporter : Logs all messages from the test run to the standard output (console).
  • JsonReporter : creates a JSON file with the results of the test run which can then be used by '' to create a HTML report. You can pass in the file path of the json file to be created

Features #

write your feature in integration_test/features/login.feature:

Feature: Login

  Scenario: Login with username and pin then failed
    When I enter "" into "inputEmail" key
    When I scroll in "scrollLogin" key until visible "inputPin" key
    When I enter "123455" into "inputPin" key
    When I scroll in "scrollLogin" key until visible "btnLogin" key
    When I tap "btnLogin" key

  Scenario: Login with username and pin then success
    When I enter "" into "inputEmail" key
    When I scroll in "scrollLogin" key until visible "inputPin" key
    When I enter "123456" into "inputPin" key
    When I scroll in "scrollLogin" key until visible "btnLogin" key
    When I tap "btnLogin" key
pub points



A gherkin / cucumber integration test runner flutter with morpheme_cli.

Repository (GitHub)
View/report issues


unknown (license)


collection, equatable, flutter, flutter_test, integration_test, patrol, patrol_finders


Packages that depend on morpheme_cucumber