moor2csv 1.0.2 copy "moor2csv: ^1.0.2" to clipboard
moor2csv: ^1.0.2 copied to clipboard


Supporting package for Moor that allowing the easy export of SQL based Moor database to CSV form for external storage or sharing. Works on all platforms other than Web.

moor2csv #

Supporting package for Moor, that allows exporting SQL-based Moor database to a CSV form, for external storage or sharing. Works on all platforms except Web.

Usage Steps #

First, perform necessary steps to provide Storage capability in the device you are developing for. Example: Editing android\app\src\main\AndroidManifest.xml and providing permissions for Android.

  1. Set up a Moor Database in your flutter project and create necessary Data Structures and tables. Example:

     import 'package:moor/moor.dart';
     import 'package:undo/undo.dart';
     // ****** Employee Data Structure for Table *****
     class Employees extends Table {
       TextColumn get employeeID => text()();
       TextColumn get name => text().withLength(max: 100).nullable()();
       IntColumn get phoneNo => integer().nullable()();
       TextColumn get deviceID => text().nullable()();
       Set<Column> get primaryKey => {employeeID};
     // ****** Moor Setup ********
     part 'Database.g.dart';
     @UseMoor(tables: [Employees])
     class Database extends _$Database {
       Database(QueryExecutor e) : super(e);
       final cs = ChangeStack();
       int get schemaVersion => 1;
       Future<List<Employee>> getAllEmployees(
                 {String orderBy = 'asce', String mode = 'name'}) =>
                     (u) {
                       GeneratedTextColumn criteria = employees.employeeID;
                       OrderingMode order =
                           (mode == 'desc') ? OrderingMode.desc : OrderingMode.asc;
                       if (orderBy == 'id') criteria = employees.employeeID;
                       if (orderBy == 'name') criteria =;
                       if (orderBy == 'device') criteria = employees.deviceID;
                       return OrderingTerm(expression: criteria, mode: order);
     } db;
  2. Run a query to get your List<DataClass> item from the Database.
    Example: List<Employee> _employees = await db.getAllEmployees(orderBy: 'id'); in an async function gets us our List<DataClass> item from database db.

  3. Simply Create a MoorSQLtoCSV object by passing in the the List<DataClass> object as parameter to it (and optionally the CSV file name to save it as) and it will do all the necessary work to export your Database to a CSV file. Example to store _employees object of type Employee table in employees.csv:

     _csvGenerator = MoorSQLToCSV(_employees, csvFileName: 'employees');
  4. Optionally, access the wasCreated member getter of the MoorSQLtoCSV object to get a Future<bool> stating whether your CSV file was generated and the pathToCSVDirectory getter to get the path to the directory where the CSV file was generated, once it's been done.

  5. If the Database was successfully created, you will find it in:

    a. Android and IoS: Your Flutter App's internal Storage directory (eg. Android\Data\com.*.*\appName for Android), provided the permissions were given and the CSV was succesfully generated.

    b. Desktop Systems: Downloads Directory.

Dependencies #

  1. Moor (with Tables and DataClasses ready). (Moor requires dependencies like moor_generator and build_runner for full functioning. Make sure you are familiar before using this package)
  2. Path Provider: To provide paths to Download folder (in desktop) and App Internal Storage Directory (in Mobile platforms) which are the only places storage of files is allowed
  3. Permission Handler: To provide Storage read/write permission on Mobile devices. Moor itself requires it too.
  4. Also uses dart:io library for file handling.

Available Methods #

1. MoorSQLToCSV (Class constuctor): Call it with List<DataClass> parameter to directly generate CSV from it.

Optional Parameter csvFileName: Provides the file name to save the generated file as (with extension .csv).

2. wasCreated (getter): Future<bool> signifying whether the file was succesfully created.

3. pathToCSVDirectory (getter): Gives the path to directory where generated file is stored.

Example Usage #

Future<bool> exportDatabase(
      {bool getEmployees = true,
      bool getAttendances = true,
      bool getEvents = true}) async {
    MoorSQLToCSV _csvGenerator;
    bool didSucceed = true;
    if (getEmployees) {
List<Employee>_employees = await db.getAllEmployees(orderBy: 'id');
      if (_employees.isNotEmpty) {
        _csvGenerator = MoorSQLToCSV(_employees, csvFileName: 'employees');
didSucceed = didSucceed && await_csvGenerator.wasCreated;
    if (getAttendances) {
      List<Attendance> _attendances = await db.getAllAttendances();
      if (_attendances.isNotEmpty) {
        _csvGenerator = MoorSQLToCSV(_attendances, csvFileName: 'attendances');
        didSucceed = didSucceed && await _csvGenerator.wasCreated;
    if (getEvents) {
List<Event>_events = await db.getAllEvents();
      if (_events.isNotEmpty) {
        _csvGenerator = MoorSQLToCSV(_events, csvFileName: 'events');
didSucceed = didSucceed && await_csvGenerator.wasCreated;
    return didSucceed;

Potential Contribution Ideas #

  1. Implement a way to view the generated CSVs that works across platforms. Right now I can't think of any. Tested out Open package and url_launcher with failure in one or more platforms. The only way to browse the generated CSVs is to manually browse to the storage folder.

  2. Better documentation.

Getting Started #

This project is a starting point for a Dart package, a library module containing code that can be shared easily across multiple Flutter or Dart projects.

For help getting started with Flutter, view our online documentation, which offers tutorials, samples, guidance on mobile development, and a full API reference.

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unverified uploader

Supporting package for Moor that allowing the easy export of SQL based Moor database to CSV form for external storage or sharing. Works on all platforms other than Web.

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unknown (LICENSE)


flutter, moor, path_provider, permission_handler, sqflite, sqlite3_flutter_libs


Packages that depend on moor2csv