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A MongoDB connection pool for Dart. Using this package, your application will open as many database connections as you specify as soon as it runs.

MongoDB Connection Pooling - Mongo Pool #

Introduction #

This package is a simple connection pooling for MongoDB. It is based on the mongo_dart package.

Features #

  • Connection pool size configuration
  • Automatic connection pool expansion
  • Instance where you can access the connection from the pool [NEW]

Getting started #

Using this package, your application will open as many database connections as you specify as soon as it runs. You can open, close and change the number of these links at any time.

Usage #

With mongodb package, you can use the MongoDbPoolService class to create a pool of connections.

First, you need to create a MongoDbPoolService instance. You can do this by passing the number of connections you want Next, you need to open the pool. You can do this by calling the open() method. If you want to close the pool, you can call the close() method. MongoDbPoolService class has a getInstance() method. You can use this method to get the instance of the pool. You can use this instance to access the pool from anywhere in the project.

A simple usage example:

import 'package:mongo_pool/src/mongo_pool_service.dart';

Future<void> main() async {
  /// Create a pool of 5 connections
  final poolService = MongoDbPoolService(
    poolSize: 5,
    mongoDbUri: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/my_database',

  /// Open the pool

  /// Get a connection from pool
  final conn = await poolService.acquire();

  // Database operations
  final collection = conn.collection('my_collection');
  final result = await collection.find().toList();
  // Connection release for other operations

  // Pool close
  await poolService.close();

Future<void> openDbPool(MongoDbPoolService service) async {
  try {
  } on Exception catch (e) {
    /// handle the exception here

class OtherClass {

  Future<void> openDbPool() async {
    /// Get the instance of the pool
    /// Once you define MongoDbPoolService you can call it with getInstance() method
    final poolService = MongoDbPoolService.getInstance();
    final conn = await poolService.acquire();
    // Database operations
    final collection = conn.collection('my_collection');
    final result = await collection.find().toList();
    // Connection release for other operations
    // Pool close
    await poolService.close();

Testing #

To run the tests, you need to have a MongoDB instance running on your machine. You can use the following command to start a MongoDB instance using Docker:

docker run -d -p 27017:27017 --name mongo mongo

Problems Solved #

  • ✅ Fixed the issue where calls made without waiting for connections to open would get an error when creating a pool. Please see example codes
  • ✅ Throw error when there is unable to connect to the database
  • ✅ Mongodb srv connection problem solved

Get package for using in your project #

pub package
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Additional information #




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A MongoDB connection pool for Dart. Using this package, your application will open as many database connections as you specify as soon as it runs.

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