mongo_cron 1.0.1
mongo_cron: ^1.0.1 copied to clipboard
Use MongoDB collection as a job queue for cron jobs.
MongoCron #
A MongoDB-based cron job scheduler for Dart.
Features #
- Schedule jobs using cron syntax (use Cronitor if you're not familiar with cron syntax)
- Persist jobs in MongoDB
- Callbacks for various cron events (start, stop, idle, error)
Processing speed #
Processing speed can be reduced when more and more documents are added into the collection. We can maintain the speed by creating the following indexes:
await _collection.createIndex(key: 'name', unique: true);
await _collection.createIndex(keys: {'sleepUntil': 1, 'name': 1});
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Usage #
Take a look at the example for a complete example.
import 'package:mongo_cron/mongo_cron.dart';
import 'package:mongo_dart/mongo_dart.dart';
void main() async {
final db = await Db.create('mongodb://localhost:27017/your_database');
final config = MongoCronConfig(
database: db,
onStart: (MongoCron cron) async {
print('MongoCron started');
onStop: (MongoCron cron) async {
print('MongoCron stopped');
onIdle: (MongoCron cron) async {
print('MongoCron is idle');
onError: (dynamic error, MongoCron cron) async {
print('Error occurred: $error');
if (!db.isConnected) {
print('MongoDB disconnected—reconnecting...');
await db.close();
print('MongoDB reconnected');
onJobStart: (Job job) async {
'${} Job started: ${} #${}');
onJobComplete: (Job job) async {
'${} Job complete: ${} #${}');
final mongoCron = MongoCron(config);
// Add a job
await mongoCron.addJob(
cronExpression: '*/5 * * * *',
name: 'job1',
handler: (Job job) async {
print('Executing job ${} with data: ${}');
jobData: {'message': 'Hello, World!'},
await mongoCron.start();
// You can add more jobs while it's running
await mongoCron.addJob(
cronExpression: '* * * * *',
name: 'job2',
handler: (Job job) async {
print('Second job');
// Run for while
await Future.delayed(const Duration(seconds: 30));
// Stop the cron
await mongoCron.stop();
await db.close();
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