momentum 1.0.0 copy "momentum: ^1.0.0" to clipboard
momentum: ^1.0.0 copied to clipboard


A flutter state management library that focuses on ease of control.

A flutter state management library that focuses on ease of control.

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The basic idea is that everything can be easily accessed and manipulated. If you are familiar with BLoC package the functions are written in the Bloc class (ex. LoginBloc). In momentum, you write the functions in your MomentumController class (ex. LoginController). One big difference with BLoC package is that there is no "default and easy" way to call another Bloc class, with momentum it's very easy to call another Controller class, like this:

class LoginController extends MomentumController<LoginModel> {

  void clearSession() {
    // "dependOn" is the magic here. It is a built in method inside MomentumController base class. I can say this is a game changing feature for this library.
    var sessionController = dependOn<SessionController>();

    // that's it, 1 line of code and you are able to access and manipulate other controller (Bloc) class.

    // you can also grab the model value of SessionController:
    var sessionId = sessionController.model.sessionId;


Now, you might be asking where the heck SessionController is instantiated. The answer is right below this section.

Classes #

Momentum - setup class #

  • The Momentum class must be your root widget in order to properly implement it. It acts like a config for your momentum implementation like instantiate all controllers, enabling or disabling logging per controllers, enable time travel feature, lazy loading, etc...

  • First, this is how your fresh flutter app looks like;

      void main() {
  • Then, implementing momentum state management will make it look like this:

    void main() {
          controllers: [
            UserProfileController..config(enableLogging: true),
            RegisterController()..config(maxTimeTravelSteps: 200),
            DashboardController()..config(lazy: true),
          enableLogging: false,
          child: MyApp(),

    Note: The controller classes are just examples, you have to make them yourself. They are like Bloc class in BLoC package. The config(...) method is built in.

MomentumModel - view-model class #

  • The view model for you controller. It is always linked to a specific type of MomentumController. The update(...) method you below is like a copyWith method with just a slight difference. This method is used to update values (immutable). A pair of controller and model can be use in any widgets, they are NOT tied to a single widget only.

    class CounterModel extends MomentumModel<CounterController> {
      final int value;
        CounterController controller, {
      }) : super(controller);
      void update({
        int value,
      }) {
          value: value ?? this.value,

MomentumController - logic class #

  • This is where your logic comes (like a "Bloc" class). It is always linked to a specific type of MomentumModel. The MomentumController class is an abstract base class. It requires an implementation of init() method which must return the model type linked with this controller. The library automatically calls this method.

    class CounterController extends MomentumController<CounterModel> {
      CounterModel init() {
        return CounterModel(
          value: 0,
      void increment() {
        // let's say model.value is currently = 1
        var value = model.value; // grab the current value.
        model.update(value: value + 1); // calling `model.update(...)` is like calling `setState` so it rebuilds all listeners.
        print('$this -> {value: ${model.value}'); // updated value. model.value is now = 2

MomentumBuilder - widget class #

  • Now this is one of the game changer feature of this state management. With the controllers parameter, instead of injecting an instance, you inject a type. It is multiple too which makes it easy to refactor instead of having separate class for single and multiple controller builder class.

      controllers: [CounterController], // a type not an instance :)
      builder: (context, snapshot) {
        var counter = snapshot<CounterModel>(); // simply grab a model using generic.
        return Text(
          style: Theme.of(context).textTheme.display1,

Updating State #

model.update(...) method #

  • This is the method which is use to rebuild widgets. When this method is called, all MomentumBuilders that listens to a certain controller will rebuild, for example to LoginController. This method is also similar to copyWith. This method must be inside your model class and all properties must be final.

    // declaration
    void update({
      String username,
      String password,
    }) {
        username: username ?? this.username,
        password: password ?? this.password,
    // usage
    model.update(username: 'momentum', password: '12341234');
    print('${model.username}, ${model.password}');
    // => "momentum, 12341234"
    model.update(password: 'secret'); // only update the password, the username will be retained just like how copyWith works.
    print('${model.username}, ${model.password}');
    // => "momentum, secret"

    Also, if you are familiar with copyWith method, this method does not accept null values. If it's string just set it as '', if it's integer set it to 0, and you get the idea...

snapshot<T>() method #

  • This method is use inside MomentumBuilder's builder method.

    controllers: [LoginController],
    builder: (context, snapshot) {
      var loginModel = snapshot<LoginModel>();
      return Text(loginModel.username);
  • Multiple controller support:

    controllers: [LoginController, SessionController],
    builder: (context, snapshot) {
      var loginModel = snapshot<LoginModel>();
      var sessionModel = snapshot<SessionModel>();
      var username = loginModel.username;
      var sessionId = sessionModel.sessionId;
      return Text('[$sessionId] - $username');
  • Of course you can rename the snapshot<T>() method here to even something shorter like use<T> or consume<T>.

Additional note: The library doesn't have any dependencies, except flutter sdk of course.


I am still writing additional content for this readme like explaning about the config(...) method, mentioning methods like bootstrap() etc...

pub points



A flutter state management library that focuses on ease of control.

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Packages that depend on momentum